
EPPC Briefly: Technology, Society, and Our Economic Future

Adam Keiper and Alan Jacobs on technology and our future; EPPC’s upcoming Bradley Symposium; Bruce Cole on the legacy of Frank Gehry; George Weigel on the Vatican’s approach to China; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: Good Catholics, Good Citizens

George Weigel and Stephen P. White on faith and citizenship; Henry Olsen on Donald Trump’s faction; Ed Whelan on the Obama administration’s radical transgender agenda in public schools; Peter Wehner on civility; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: The Bathroom Battles and Transgender Ideology

Mona Charen, Mary Rice Hasson, and Ed Whelan on the latest front in the culture wars; highlights from EPPC’s 40th anniversary gala; transcripts from the recent Faith Angle Forum; Yuval Levin on the next conservative movement; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: George Weigel on Amoris Laetitia

George Weigel on Pope Francis’s new apostolic exhortation; a new video about EPPC’s Faith Angle Forum; Henry Olsen on whether a conservative reformation looms on the horizon; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: Yuval Levin on the Perils of Religious Liberty

Yuval Levin on what religious freedom really requires; George Weigel and Peter Wehner on the hope of Easter; Roger Scruton on the life of the mind; Mona Charen on how Cruz can win; Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry on Hillary Clinton’s litany of scandal; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: The Party of Reagan Is No More

Peter Wehner and George Weigel on Donald Trump; Stanley Kurtz on Ted Cruz; John Mueller on an American catechism; Jim Capretta on a notorious Obamacare provision; audio from the most recent Faith Angle Forum; and much more.

Articles, EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: The Anti-Trump Republicans

Yuval Levin, Peter Wehner, Mona Charen and others on the rise of Donald Trump — and the efforts to stop him; Ed Whelan and George Weigel on Justice Antonin Scalia; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: Remembering Justice Scalia

EPPC scholars reflect on the legacy of a “supremely great justice”; George Weigel’s on a Lenten journey; Jim Capretta on President Obama’s budgetary deceptions; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Briefly: Is Pope Francis Anti-Modern?

The latest issue of EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis includes a collection of essays examining the moral, political, and economic implications of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical on the environment and the poor.

EPPC Briefly


U.S. Senator Ben Sasse Reads Peter Wehner’s Comments Into Congressional Record

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse reads selections from EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner’s Commentary piece “Certitude and Seeking the Truth” into the Congressional Record.



EPPC Briefly: Conservatives, Trump, and the 2016 Race

Henry Olsen, Yuval Levin, and Peter Wehner on the GOP primary; EPPC supports Little Sisters of the Poor at the Supreme Court; Mona Charen on 13 Hours; George Weigel on liturgical innovation; and much more.

EPPC Briefly


EPPC Supports Little Sisters of the Poor in Supreme Court

In an amicus brief filed today, the Ethics and Public Policy Center argues that the Supreme Court should deliver a victory to the Little Sisters of the Poor and the other religious nonprofits who are challenging the legality of the Obama administration’s so-called “accommodation” on its HHS contraceptive mandate.