Eric Cohen

Adjunct Fellow

Eric Cohen is an Adjunct Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center as well as a member of EPPC’s board of directors.

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Eric Cohen is an Adjunct Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, as well as a member of EPPC’s board of directors.

Mr. Cohen is the executive director of the Tikvah Fund and the publisher of the Jewish Review of Books and of Jewish Ideas Daily. He is also editor-at-large of The New Atlantis, the quarterly journal founded at EPPC focused on the ethical, political, and social implications of modern science and technology, having served as editor of the journal from its founding until February 2007. His articles and essays have been published in numerous academic and popular journals, magazines, and newspapers.

He is the author of In the Shadow of Progress: Being Human in the Age of Technology (2008) and co-editor (with William Kristol) of The Future is Now: America Confronts the New Genetics (2002). He was previously managing editor of The Public Interest and served as a senior consultant to the President’s Council on Bioethics. He was also a Phillips Foundation Fellow (2001) and a Fulbright Scholar (2000).

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The Spirit of Jewish Classical Education

Eric Cohen

Jewish teachings have shaped Western civilization from the beginning. How can Jews build schools that encourage the rising generation to take this responsibility seriously?


Mosaic / February 6, 2023

The Jewish Schools of the Future

Eric Cohen

After the Great Disruption, a new renaissance can emerge, marrying Jewish classical education and novel technology, and confronting the cultural crisis with Jewish exceptionalism.


Mosaic / August 20, 2020

The American Soul in a Time of Plague

Eric Cohen

The coronavirus pandemic, and the protests over racial injustice, have called for deeper reservoirs of endurance — and summoned forth deeper questions about what really matters in our lives as individuals and as a nation.


The Message from Jerusalem

Eric Cohen

American society faces a deep crisis of meaning to which the city, and the idea, of Jerusalem has an answer. It is needed by Jews, and as much or more by Christians.


Mosaic / January 6, 2020

A Crisis of Liberalism?

Eric Cohen

There is much to admire in Patrick Deneen’s book Why Liberalism Failed, which combines impressive learning in the history of political theory and genuine attention to the complex realities of contemporary life. But the book is also deeply flawed, and in the end its critique lacks the prudence, realism, and generosity of spirit that wiser cultural critics have demonstrated in their own deep efforts to confront the problems of modernity.


The Weekly Standard / March 15, 2018

Jewish Conservatism: A Manifesto

Eric Cohen

The question Norman Podhoretz asked in his 2009 book—Why Are Jews Liberals?—seems only more consequential after President Obama’s two terms in office.


Commentary Magazine / April 28, 2017

The Spirit of Jewish Conservatism

Eric Cohen

Both in America and in Israel, the liberal faith of too many Jews has imperiled the Jewish future. Needed is a serious, thoughtful, and authentically Jewish alternative.


Mosaic / April 30, 2015

In the Shadow of Progress

Eric Cohen

We live in an age of unprecedented human mastery — over birth and death, body and mind, nature and human nature. In every realm of life, science and technology have brought remarkable advances and improvements: we are healthier, wealthier, and more comfortable than ever before. But our gratitude for the benefits of progress increasingly mixes with concern about the meaning and consequences of our newfound powers.



For the Love of the Game

Eric Cohen

The Super Bowl is over. March Madness is fast approaching, with NBA and Stanley Cup playoffs close behind. Spring training…


New Republic / March 26, 2008

The Ends of Science

Eric Cohen

Whenever I meet with scientists, I’m always struck by their optimism — and their discontent. Mostly they are optimists, excited…


First Things (November 2006) / November 12, 2006

Unthinkable Thoughts

Eric Cohen

Annihilation from Within: The Ultimate Threat to Nations by Fred Charles Iklé (Columbia, 142 pp., $24.50) Fear and trembling about…


Weekly Standard, Vol. 012 No. 23 / February 17, 2007

In Whose Image Shall We Die?

Eric Cohen

The problem of living well with death is central to many of the quandaries of bioethics, from assisted suicide to…


The New Atlantis, Winter 2007 / January 1, 2007