EPPC Briefly: Yuval Levin on the Perils of Religious Liberty

March 31, 2016


The Perils of Religious Liberty
In an essay adapted from his First Things lecture delivered in November, EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin argues that in the fight to defend religious liberty, “we would be wise to remember that we require more than the freedom to be virtuous. We require the will, and the spirit, and the faith, and the humility, and the wisdom to be virtuous, too.” (Click here to view a video of Mr. Levin’s lecture.)

Easter is not a Question Mark

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel exhorts Christians to remember that “the grittiness of Lent, and the ‘intransigent historical claims’ without which Easter makes no sense at all, should remind us that Christianity does not rest on myths or ‘narratives,’ but on radically changed human lives whose effect on their times are historical fact.”

EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner marvels that “in many respects the Christian faith is a radical inversion of what the world deems worthy and worth celebrating.”

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Living with a Mind
EPPC Senior Fellow Roger Scruton reflects on the course of his own life as an academic, a writer, and a philosopher, and observes that “the joy of the intellectual life arises partly from the search for truth, toward which the thinking person turns as a flower to the sun.”

Cruz Must be the Anti-Trump
EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen explains that, in order to defeat Donald Trump, Ted Cruz “must emphasize that in a world made far more dangerous by the intentional weakening of the United States under Barack Obama, an erratic, ignorant, and unstable commander-in-chief represents an unacceptable danger to the nation and the world.” (See also Ms. Charen’s New York Times piece making the case for Cruz and her lament that “everything Trump says and does is a form of self-medication for a damaged soul.”)

Silence Isn’t Savvy
Surveying the dearth of criticism of Donald Trump from Republican politicians and other party figures, EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin concludes that “the awfully convoluted theory that the best way to avoid helping Trump is to avoid criticizing him seems pretty ridiculous.”

The Man the Founders Feared
In his New York Times column, EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner bemoans that “we now live in a time when the organizing principle that runs through the campaign of the Republican Party’s likely nominee isn’t adherence to a political philosophy — Mr. Trump has no discernible political philosophy — but an encouragement to political violence.”

Hillary Clinton’s Litany of Scandal
EPPC Fellow Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry points out that, while Donald Trump is unfit to be president, “Hillary Clinton differs from Trump only in degree, and not in kind.”

How Socialists from the ’60s Primed Millennials to Feel the Bern
EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz explains that “while Bernie Sanders’s millennial supporters may not be able to define socialism or recount its despotic legacy, they have absorbed its debunking critique of our democratic liberties and are drawn to the hardball tactics of its organizer-activists.”

The Right to ‘Mobocracy’
In a Wall Street Journal review, EPPC Senior Fellow Henry Olsen assesses a new book on voting rights that contains some proposed reforms that “deserve serious consideration,” but that ultimately amounts to “an anticonservative jeremiad.”

Things that Can’t Change
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel writes that, in the “spin” wars over Pope Francis’s forthcoming apostolic exhortation on pastoral accompaniment of the divorced and civilly remarried, “both the progressives and the conservatives/traditionalists seem to have a false understanding of what popes can do.”

The Fine-Tuning of Nature’s Laws
Our deepest understanding of the laws of nature is summarized in a set of fundamental equations and constants. Why are they what they are? In this essay from EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, astronomer Luke Barnes explains what it means to say the universe seems “fine-tuned” for life.

Federal Tyranny Gags GOP in Hillary’s Backyard
EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz chronicles how the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing policy “has morphed from ‘mere’ massive regulatory overreach into a bald attempt to quash the freedom of speech of its political opponents.”

Confessions of a Heretic by Roger Scruton: What is the Best Way to Mourn?
In an essay excerpted from his new book, EPPC Senior Fellow Roger Scruton explains that “an elegy is a way of accepting the loss of some precious thing …. An elegy says: this we were given, and it is gone, but we should be grateful for it, and try to live up to its memory.”

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