April 14, 2016
Pope Francis on Love, Marriage, and the Family
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel counsels that Pope Francis’s new apostolic exhortation deserves to be “read in full, with the care and patience its author requests,” because it “says many important things about love, marriage, the family, and the current cultural crisis of a world in which the imperial autonomous Self is running roughshod over just about everything, leaving a lot of human unhappiness in its wake.” (See also Mr. Weigel’s explanation of why Amoris Laetitia must be read “within the dyad of mercy and truth, which can never be separated.”)
New Video: EPPC’s Faith Angle Forum EPPC’s Faith Angle Forum, directed by EPPC Vice President Michael Cromartie, aims to strengthen reporting and commentary on how religious believers, religious convictions, and religiously grounded moral arguments affect American politics and public life. Click here to watch our new video that gives an up-close look at the unique impact of the Faith Angle Forum. In 2016, we are celebrating EPPC’s 40th anniversary. Please make a donation today to support our work in defending American ideals. |
Does a Conservative Reformation Loom on the Horizon?
EPPC Senior Fellow Henry Olsen finds that a new book by E.J. Dionne “correctly identifies why conservatives either fail to win power or, when we do, do not use that power to transform America”: conservatism, with its Goldwaterite heritage, “remains a movement that defines itself largely by what it is against rather than what it is for.”
A Gratuitous Assault on Religious Liberty
EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin explains that the fight sparked by the HHS mandate is “a culture war of choice on the part of the Obama White House.”
A Party Is Only as Good as Its Principles
EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta praises House Speaker Paul Ryan for advancing a serious policy agenda, in a year when the leading GOP presidential candidates “have shown almost no capacity for advancing an agenda that has any hope of being enacted, much less of working to promote strong economic growth.”
What Now? Faithful Living in Challenging Times
In the face of cultural opposition, EPPC Vice President Michael Cromartie encourages fellow Christians to “do our various duties faithfully while living in exile, fully aware and confident that the final consummation of history and true justice will come with the restoration of the entire universe to its original, created glory.”
A Reductionist History of Humankind
The book Sapiens, which purports to give a “brief history of humankind,” has become an international bestseller. In this review from EPPC‘s journal The New Atlantis, John Sexton points out the book’s many strange and silly claims and arguments, and asks what we lose sight of when we obsess over works of evolutionary “big history.”
Managing Expectations
In this short article for EPPC‘s journal The New Atlantis, Aaron Rothstein continues his series on the moral education of a young doctor. Medicine, he writes, “is a universe away from what most of us perceive it to be. It is far more dark, depressing, and quick-paced than anything I imagined. It is, in short, messy.”
A Man or a Mouse?
Reflecting on efforts to shame Americans into not voting for Donald Trump, EPPC Resident Scholar James Bowman wonders, “Why would conservatives, especially, want to associate themselves with a tactic so often and so successfully used against themselves?”
Trump Remains a Threat to Conservatism
EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner warns that conservatives shouldn’t be fooled by Donald Trump’s supposed “pivot” to serious discussion of policy issues: “It isn’t simply that Trump isn’t a conservative in the spirit of Goldwater or Reagan; it is that he has been an active opponent of conservatism long ago, recently and to this very day.”
It’s Time for Conservatives to Rally around Ted Cruz
EPPC Fellow Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry discerns in Ted Cruz “one amazing virtue that can’t be ignored: He is not Donald Trump. And at this dark hour in conservative politics, that is a supreme qualification to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States.”
Run against Obama
EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen urges Republican presidential candidates to focus on “the multiple failures of the Obama years.”
After the “G-Word” has been Spoken
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel welcomes the recent recognition by Congress and the administration that ISIS is committing genocide against Christians in Iraq.