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The EPPC Briefly arrives Tuesday and Friday with the latest updates on the work of our scholars.


Weekly stories from Distinguished Senior Fellow Ed Whelan’s decades immersed, one way or another, in confirmation battles over Supreme Court nominees.

Careful analysis of what today’s digital technologies mean for you and your family, what the risks are, and what it might look like to protect human flourishing in a digital age from Senior Policy Analyst Clare Morell of the Technology and Human Flourishing Program.

Family Matters from Fellow Patrick T. Brown of the Life and Family Initiative is a weekly update on the policies and ideas that can better support parents and strengthen families as the essential building block of a healthy society.

Commonwealth Dispatches from Fellow Brad Littlejohn of the Evangelicals in Civic Life program features regular commentary on the retrieval and renewal of a Protestant vision for securing ordered liberty and promoting the common good in an increasingly post-Protestant America.

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