Josh Good

Faith Angle Forum Director

Josh Good is the director of EPPC’s Faith Angle Forum, which aims to strengthen reporting and commentary on how religious believers, religious convictions, and religiously grounded moral arguments affect American politics and public life.

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Josh Good is the director of EPPC’s Faith Angle Forum, which aims to strengthen reporting and commentary on how religious believers, religious convictions, and religiously grounded moral arguments affect American politics and public life.

Before joining EPPC in 2018, Mr. Good served as a director for the Kern Family Foundation’s Faith, Work, and Economics Program and, prior to that, as manager of the Values & Capitalism Initiative—a special outreach program to Christian colleges—at the American Enterprise Institute.

Mr. Good spent four years as a consultant at ICF International where he worked on responsible fatherhood and healthy marriage initiatives, in partnership with TANF welfare officials. He also worked on a national public-private partnership that strengthened collaborations between congregations and businesses to serve ex-prisoners, supported by the U.S. Department of Labor and two foundations.

Good holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Covenant College and a master’s degree in Christianity and Culture from Harvard University. His work has been published in National ReviewThe HillThe Washington TimesThe FederalistWorld MagazineThe American, and Capital Commentary.

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Religious Literacy and American Journalism: A Charge to Public Service

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Josh Good

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