Stephen P. White
Stephen P. White is a fellow in the Catholic Studies Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Mr. White’s work focuses on the application of Catholic social teaching to a broad spectrum of contemporary political and cultural issues. He is the author of Red, White, Blue, and Catholic (Liguori Publications, 2016).
Stephen P. White is a fellow in the Catholic Studies Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Mr. White’s work focuses on the application of Catholic social teaching to a broad spectrum of contemporary political and cultural issues. He is the author of Red, White, Blue, and Catholic (Liguori Publications, 2016).
Mr. White’s writing has been published in a wide variety of outlets and websites, including: The Weekly Standard, National Review Online, First Things, America Magazine, The Catholic Thing, Huffington Post, The Daily Caller, Magnificat, Vox, and The Catholic Herald (UK).
Since 2005, Mr. White has been coordinator of the Tertio Millennio Seminar on the Free Society, a three week seminar on Catholic social teaching with an emphasis on the thought of St. John Paul II which takes place every summer in Krakow, Poland.
Mr. White studied politics at the University of Dallas and philosophy at the Catholic University of America. He is a graduate of the St. Patrick’s Evangelisation School in London, England.
The Vice President, Immigration, and a Way Forward
Stephen P. White
Our country’s immigration system is a colossal mess. Few would argue otherwise. It is the responsibility and duty of the…
The Catholic Thing / February 6, 2025
Stumbling Over the 1960s
Stephen P. White
How did we get here? Where did we go wrong? Those are the questions a lot of people seem to…
The Catholic Thing / January 23, 2025
Pilgrims of Hope
Stephen P. White
A new year is a time of optimism and hope, a time for a fresh start. For many people, the…
The Catholic Thing / January 9, 2025
On the Feast of Stephen
Stephen P. White
Duke Václav I, sometimes called Václav the Good, ruled over Bohemia during the first half of the tenth century. Christianity…
The Catholic Thing / December 26, 2024
The New World and Thanksgiving
Stephen P. White
Thanksgiving is the quintessential American holiday. No other holiday captures so well the history, temperament, and aspirations of this nation….
The Catholic Thing / November 28, 2024
On the Giving and Receiving of Honor
Stephen P. White
No one esteems a man for having lived an easy life. No one thinks more of a man for never…
The Catholic Thing / November 14, 2024
Time, Hope, and All Souls
Stephen P. White
God, whose love is infinite, loves a finite number of people. He may love everyone, but the number is still…
The Catholic Thing / November 2, 2024
What is the Good News?
Stephen P. White
One of the primary goals of the ongoing Synod on Synodality is to discern the ways in which the Church’s…
The Catholic Thing / October 17, 2024
How to Be a Missionary Church
Stephen P. White
One of the delightful consolations of the Catholic faith is that we seem to have a patron saint for everything,…
The Catholic Thing / October 3, 2024
Imagining the Future
Stephen P. White
Twenty years ago, The New Atlantis published a remarkable essay by Yuval Levin titled, “Imagining the Future.” (The essay was subsequently lengthened and published…
The Catholic Thing / September 5, 2024