April 28, 2016
Hands off the Ladies’ Rooms
On whether people must be allowed to use “the bathroom of their subjective feelings rather than their biology,” EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen observes that “there is nothing dignified about ratifying an unhappy person’s tragic misperception.”
‘Choosing’ Gender Ignores Truth of Human Person
EPPC Fellow Mary Rice Hasson (with co-author Theresa Farnan) explains that “gender ideology is a set of beliefs about the human person — beliefs irreconcilably opposed to the Christian understanding of the person.”
Fourth Circuit Inflicts Sex Change on Title IX
EPPC President Ed Whelan exposes the flaws in a recent federal appellate ruling that, if upheld, would mean that schools must allow boys who identify as female to use girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and showers and must allow girls who identify as males to use the boys’ facilities.
VIDEO: EPPC Celebrates 40th Anniversary Last week, EPPC celebrated its 40 years of defending American ideals at a gala dinnerfeaturing keynote remarks by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. To see the video of Speaker Ryan’s remarks, a special four-minute video honoring EPPC’s work, and more videos from the gala, including remarks by Speaker Ryan, master of ceremonies Bill Kristol, EPPC President Ed Whelan, Russell Moore, Kate O’Beirne, and Robert P. George, click here. |
March 2016 Faith Angle Forum Transcripts
Transcripts of the March 2016 Faith Angle Forum, featuring presentations by James K.A. Smith (“Re-Imagining Religion in a Secular Age”), David Brooks and James Davison Hunter (“Character and Public Life”), and Imam Abdullah Antepli and Jessica Stern (“Terror in the Name of God: Its Causes, its Sources”) are now available.
The Next Conservative Movement
In the featured essay in the weekend Wall Street Journal, EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin argues that “understanding the roots and appeal of [Donald Trump’s] message can help us to understand how our politics has changed in recent decades. More important, it can help us to see what the constructive next phase of the American right could look like—a decentralizing conservatism of bottom-up solutions for our increasingly fragmented society.” (Mr. Levin’s essay is adapted from his forthcoming book, The Fractured Republic: Renewing America’s Social Contract in the Age of Individualism.)
The Most Important Day of Your Life
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel exhorts fellow Catholics to “look up the date of their baptism, memorize it—and then celebrate it every year.”
Friendship in the Age of Trump
In his New York Times column, EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner warns that “when political differences shatter friendships, when we attribute disagreements to deep character flaws, it usually means politics has become too central to our lives.”
Is OPEC Dead? And Will Shale Oil Long Survive It?
At its meeting in Doha last week, OPEC once again failed to reach agreement on cutting oil production. In this essay from EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, Lee Lane asks whether the oil cartel still has any power to influence prices and explores the future of the world oil market.
Big Science is Broken
EPPC Fellow Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry cautions that “there is very good reason to believe that much scientific research published today is false, there is no good way to sort the wheat from the chaff, and, most importantly, the way the system is designed ensures that this will continue being the case.”
Catholics and Campaign 2016
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel argues that “Catholics should bring to Campaign 2016 the Church’s longstanding conviction that voting is an exercise in moral reasoning and moral judgment, not an exercise in raw emotion.”
Donald Trump’s Empty Health Care Promises
Examining Donald Trump’s comments on health-care reform, EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta concludes that “the gap between what Trump is promising voters and his plans for actually delivering on those promises is immense.”
The Donald/Bernie Show: Shades of Hugo Chávez
EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen observes that, in retrospect, the late Hugo Chávez of Venezuela “seems a perfect laboratory mixture of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.”
Senate Testimony on Proposals to Reform the President’s Budget and the Congressional Budget Process
In testimony presented this week before the Senate Budget Committee, EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta explains that “the current budget process does not provide policymakers with a clear view of the long-term challenges, nor does it facilitate the kind of decision making that would improve the long-term fiscal outlook.”
Can American Catholics be Good Citizens?
On Wednesday, May 4, EPPC Fellow Stephen P. White will discuss his new book Red, White, Blue, and Catholic at an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute. The event will also feature Ramesh Ponnuru and Timothy P. Carney of AEI. Click here to register at AEI’s website for this event, and click here to listen to Mr. White’s recent discussion of his book at the Catholic Information Center.