EPPC Briefly: Good Catholics, Good Citizens

May 12, 2016


Good Catholics, Good Citizens
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel commends a new book by EPPC Fellow Stephen P. White that helps to clarify and address the “unprecedented situation, perilous and yet full of possibility” that the Church confronts in American public life today.

Interview: How Catholics Can Be Good Citizens and Not Despair
In a conversation with National Review Online’s Kathryn Jean Lopez, EPPC Fellow Stephen P. White discusses his new book Red, White, Blue, and Catholic, and explains that “citizenship … is membership in, and therefore responsibility for, a particular community. Good citizenship means willing and acting for the good of that community.” (See also this video and recap of Mr. White’s recent discussion of these themes with Ramesh Ponnuru and Timothy P. Carney of AEI.)

Trump’s Faction

EPPC Senior Fellow Henry Olsen explains that the bloc of voters supporting Donald Trump represents “a forceful reassertion of a kind of conservatism that has long lain dormant,” and argues that conservatives must once again learn to sing from the “hymnal of nationalism and citizenship” if they are to appeal to these voters and enjoy electoral success in the future.

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40th Anniversary Highlights
At EPPC’s recent 40th anniversary gala, National Review‘s Kate O’Beirne hailed EPPC as “a great collection of talented scholars who engage with the most important issues like no other think tank does.” Click here to watch a video of Ms. O’Beirne’s remarks praising EPPC and its scholars, as well as celebratory remarks by Robert P. George, a keynote address by Speaker Paul Ryan, our special commemorative video, and more.


The Worst of Both Sexes
EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen observes that “the greatest failures of the past generation concern men, women, and sex,” and that “there could not be two more awful representatives of what has gone wrong than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.”

Why We Shouldn’t Fight Dirty
The 2016 election is shaping up to be unprecedentedly ugly and vicious, and EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner cautions that a better way forward “will require some large number of Americans to re-think how we are to engage in politics in this era of rage and polarization.”

Now What?
In light of the likely nominations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel wonders: “What is the thoughtful Catholic voter to do when neither of the presidential candidates is even minimally committed to human dignity, the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity, as the social doctrine understands those concepts?”

Title IX in the Restroom
EPPC President Ed Whelan examines the Obama administration’s radical transgender agenda in public schools and its “aggressive bureaucratic misreading of federal law.” (See also Mr. Whelan’s examination of the Obama administration’s “war” on North Carolina over the state’s recently enacted H.B. 2.)

Obama Administration Tramples Free Speech to Advance Radical Housing Agenda
EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz reports on an ongoing legal battle in New York and observes that “the Obama administration’s housing policies are arguably its most radically transformative—and most underreported—policy initiatives.”

The Enduring Legacy of The Twilight Zone
Rod Serling turned to science fiction as a way to tell stories of social criticism too controversial for TV advertisers. The show he created has become a classic. This essay from EPPC‘s journal The New Atlantis asks why Serling — a gifted writer who believed that television could be a serious art form — ended his days making commercials for cars, beer, and cigarettes?

Guggenheim’s Throne
EPPC Senior Fellow Bruce Cole lambastes the Guggenheim Museum’s acquisition of a fully functional, 18-karat solid gold toilet as the latest example of “the fetishization of human defecation” by the art world.

Politics Without Honor
EPPC Resident Scholar James Bowman finds that the “kind of tooth-and-nail partisanship” embodied by Donald Trump and by many who have responded to his provocations “is what the old and now all-but forgotten honor culture evolved over centuries in order to obviate.”

Reaganism is Dead
EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen laments that Republicans “seem to have lost all philosophical coherence” and are instead “voting on personality and attitude, and thus revealing themselves to have fallen for one of the worst errors of the Left — the progressive belief that all will be well provided the ‘right’ people, the ‘best people’ if you will, are running the government.”

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