The Quiet Man Behind the Computer Revolution
Adam Keiper
Gordon Moore’s tech vision changed modern times. He wants his giving to change life 10,000 years from now.
Philanthropy Magazine - Summer 2016 issue / July 20, 2016
The New Atlantis Turns Ten
Adam Keiper
EPPC’s New Atlantis journal celebrates ten years of concentrating on the human side of scientific progress.
National Review Online / May 20, 2013
Stem Cells, Life, and the Law
Adam Keiper
Monday's decision from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia halting all federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research…
National Review Online / August 25, 2010
Feynman and the Futurists
Adam Keiper
On Dec. 29, 1959, Richard P. Feynman gave an after-dinner talk at an annual American Physical Society meeting in Pasadena,…
The Wall Street Journal / January 8, 2010
When Folly Is Forever
Adam Keiper
Historians, accustomed to rummaging through document-stuffed archives, are now worrying about the future of the past. Our lives, they note,…
The Wall Street Journal / October 22, 2009
The Synapse and the Soul
Adam Keiper
Human by Michael S. Gazzaniga (Ecco, 447 pages, $27.50) What is it that makes us human — that sets us…
Wall Street Journal / July 8, 2008
Redeeming NASA
Adam Keiper
It was five years ago this month, on February 1, 2003, that the space shuttle Columbia, returning from two weeks…
National Review Online / February 4, 2008
The March of the Machines
Adam Keiper
A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millenniumby Robert Friedel, MIT, 588 pages, $39.95 There’s a certain dark pleasure…
Wall Street Journal, p. D7 / June 7, 2007
Nanoethics as a Discipline?
Adam Keiper
Growing ranks of academics, analysts, and advocacy groups are focusing their attentions on the social and ethical implications of nanoscale…
The New Atlantis, Spring 2007 / May 1, 2007
The New Atlantis, Winter 2006
Adam Keiper
The latest issue of The New Atlantis includes major essays on Man, Mind and Machine and the challenge to define what…
The New Atlantis / February 20, 2006