
…The Second Time as Farce

James Bowman

Not long ago, I came across a notice in Publishers Weekly of a new book from New York University Press:…


Crisis / January 1, 2003

More than a fish story

George Weigel

I may have used this story before, but if so, it’s good enough to repeat. Father Raymond E. Brown, S.S.,…


Syndicated Column / January 1, 2003


James Bowman

Menno Mayjes’s Max begins with a printed notice to the effect that “in the summer of 1917 the imperial German…




James Bowman

There are many different ways for traditionalists in the arts to identify themselves, but one that occurs to me after…



Love Liza

James Bowman

When you hear someone say, “I can’t take it anymore,” what do you suppose he means? For most of us…



The Christmas Mystery

George Weigel

As John Saward reminds us in his new book on Christmas, Cradle of Redeeming Love, a “mystery” of faith is…


Syndicated Column / December 25, 2002

A Clone by any Other Name

Eric Cohen

TRUTH, famously the first casualty of war, is now falling victim to the latest skirmish in the biotech wars. Euphemism…


The Weekly Standard / December 23, 2002

Pro-life wins and trouble for Catholic Democrats

George Weigel

Media commentary on last month’s elections has generally ignored one important fact: many pro-abortion political action committees saw their candidates…


Syndicated Column / December 18, 2002

Dr. James Turner Johnson and Christopher Hitchens at the December 2002 Faith Angle Forum

Michael Cromartie

Dr. James Turner Johnson, professor of religion at Rutgers University, and Christopher Hitchens, contributing editor of Vanity Fair, spoke at the December 2002 Faith Angle Forum on the varying concepts of just war theory.



Dr. Gilles Kepel at the December 2002 Faith Angle Forum

Michael Cromartie

Dr. Gilles Kepel, professor and researcher at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris, and Jeffrey Goldberg, writer for the New Yorker, spoke at the December 2002 Faith Angle Forum about the current trajectory of Islamic extremism.



Dr. Philip Jenkins at the December 2002 Faith Angle Forum

Michael Cromartie

Dr. Philip Jenkins, professor of religious studies and history at Pennsylvania State University, and David Brooks, senior editor of the Weekly Standard, spoke at the December 2002 Faith Angle Forum on the subject of global Christian trends and their influence on the world stage.



About Schmidt

James Bowman

Unlike drama, unlike fiction, the movies don’t do failure very well. They are essentially a heroic medium, like tragedy or…
