
Hymns and us

George Weigel

I love hymns. I love singing them and I love listening to them. Hearing the robust Cardiff Festival Choir belt…


Syndicated Column / August 6, 2003

The Nanotechnology Revolution

Adam Keiper

From science fiction to the halls of Congress, the promise and perils of nanotechnology have become big news. But just…


The New Atlantis, Summer 2003

Adam Keiper

The New Atlantis, Number 2, Summer 2003 OF EMBRYOS AND EMPIRE by Eric Cohen There is something profoundly strange about…


The New Atlantis / August 4, 2003

Islam and democracy: the crucial questions

George Weigel

At a recent conference on Islam and democracy, I was privileged to meet several of the brightest Muslim scholars in…


Syndicated Column / July 9, 2003

Duty-bound to Assist Liberia

Ernest W. Lefever

During his current trip to sub-Saharan Africa, which wisely does not include Liberia, President Bush is pondering whether to send…


Washington Times / July 16, 2003

A Public Faith

Michael Cromartie

The essays in this volume look at the role of evangelicals in American civic life. The contributors examine evangelical Christians’ beliefs and activities on topics ranging from bioethics to race relations and welfare reform to international human rights. Taken together, the essays show that the social commitment of evangelicals extends considerably beyond family-related issues, and that their activity in the public sphere makes an essential contribution to the public good.



Of Embryos and Empire

Eric Cohen

There is something profoundly strange about the world’s only superpower, at such a time of global reckoning, concerning itself with…



Denver and Toronto: Opportunities Seized, Opportunities Missed

George Weigel

Ten years ago, they said it couldn’t be done: “they” being the U.S. Catholic establishment, “it” being the celebration of…


Syndicated Column / July 7, 2003


George Weigel

When Dr. Johnson famously suggested that patriotism was the last refuge of scoundrels, he wasn’t demeaning patriotism. Rather, he was…


Syndicated Column / July 2, 2003

The difference between knowledge and wisdom

George Weigel

This past April 25th marked the fiftieth anniversary of the most important scientific article of the twentieth century: James Watson…


Syndicated Column / June 25, 2003

God-talk and our European cousins

George Weigel

Nothing more graphically illustrates the cultural gap between the United States and western Europe than the recent flap over President’s…


Syndicated Column / June 13, 2003

A tale of two translations

George Weigel

Here’s a tale of two translations that doesn’t involve the liturgical tong wars. Permit me a brief but crucial Latin…


Syndicated Column / June 10, 2003