
Bioethics Policy Guide

Eric Cohen

With a subject as large and as profound as modern genetics, we face a major question from the start about…



The Alito Apologies

George Weigel

With Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., safely and, I trust, happily, seated on the United States Supreme Court, apologies are…


Syndicated Column / February 15, 2006

Bioethics Policy Guide

Eric Cohen

Over the past few years, the debate over stem cells and cloning has grown both more complex and more profound….



What It Says

Edward Whelan

The Heritage Guide to the Constitution, edited by Edwin Meese III, Matthew Spalding, and David Forte (Regnery, 475 pp., $35)…


National Review / March 6, 2006

The New Atlantis, Winter 2006

Adam Keiper

The latest issue of The New Atlantis includes major essays on Man, Mind and Machine and the challenge to define what…


The New Atlantis / February 20, 2006

The Catholic Engine of Western Progress

George Weigel

The standard account of the history of the West from, say, 400-1500 would run something like this: The breakdown of…


Syndicated Column / February 17, 2006

Dr. Leigh Eric Schmidt at the December 2005 Faith Angle Forum

Michael Cromartie

Dr. Leigh Eric Schmidt, Professor of Religion at Princeton University, spoke at the December 2005 Faith Angle Forum on the subject of historical connections between religious liberalism and progressive politics in the national debate on religion in politics.


Dr. Edward J. Larson at the December 2005 Faith Angle Forum

Michael Cromartie

Dr. Edward J. Larson, Professor of Law and American History at the University of Georgia, spoke at the December 2005 Faith Angle Forum on the subject of the controversy over teaching evolution in American public schools, from the Scopes Trial of the 1920s to today.


Reuel Marc Gerecht and Jeffrey Goldberg at the May 2005 Faith Angle Forum

Michael Cromartie

Reuel Marc Gerecht, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former Middle East specialist for the CIA, and Jeffrey Goldberg, writer for the New Yorker, spoke at the May 2005 Faith Angle Forum on the subject of Shiite and Sunni roles in spreading democracy in the Middle East.


Nothing Ordinary About This Time

George Weigel

The late Dorothy Sayers, author of the Lord Peter Wimsey detective stories, was a gifted amateur theologian, as the notes…


Syndicated Column / January 25, 2006

Hey, Reagan Did That!

John D. Mueller

Pundits on left and right have panned President George W. Bush’s 2006 State of the Union Address for proposing a…


National Review Online / February 3, 2006

The Many Faces of Technology

Eric Cohen

Technology in its many guises was a central theme of President Bush’s State of the Union address–from Iran’s pursuit of…


The Weekly Standard / February 3, 2006