EPPC Briefly: Reality and Public Policy

Published April 18, 2013



Reality and Public Policy
In a National Affairs essay adapted from his 12th William E. Simon Lecture, EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel exposes the destructive effects of contemporary Gnosticism and of its central tenet that “all is plastic and malleable in the human condition.”
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The Iron Lady Belongs to the Ages
EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner celebrates the life of the late Margaret Thatcher, “one of the 20th century’s most consequential leaders, a woman of impressive virtues, and one of America’s greatest friends and allies.” Read more>>

Jurassic Generation
The sci-fi adventure movie Jurassic Park, released twenty years ago, captured the imagination of a generation. As Ari N. Schulman explains in this essay from EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, the film conveys both the thrill of science and its dangerous temptations — but does it mislead? Read more>>

Impoverished Spirits
“Pope Francis is no ‘Brother Sun, Sister Moon’ romantic,” says EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel. “You can count on this pontificate to challenge the dictatorship of relativism in the name of authentic humanism.” Read more>>

It’s Time to Delay Obamacare
“It is increasingly clear,” warn EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta and EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin, “that the unintended consequences of [Obamacare’s] conflicting objectives will be painfully compounded by a poorly managed effort to put it into effect.” Read more>>

A Budget to Reject
The president’s 2014 budget includes a $1.1 trillion ten-year tax hike and no cut in total federal spending. “Congressional Republicans’ acceptance of it would be a political and economic disaster,” advises EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta. Read more>>

The President, His Budget, and the Poor
“The president’s economic policies have been, by any reasonable measure, a failure,” observes EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner, and “none have suffered more than the most vulnerable members of our society.” Read more>>

A Reformed (and Re-Formed) College of Cardinals
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel offers practical suggestions on how to improve the College of Cardinals. Read more>>

The Imperfectionist
Tech critic Evgeny Morozov has gained a sizeable following for his barbed essays puncturing the dreams of Silicon Valley’s utopian thinkers. In this essay from EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, Christine Rosen reviews Morozov’s new book To Save Everything Click HereRead more>>

The Role of Medicare Fee-for-Service in Inefficient Health Care Delivery
“If reforming the delivery system to raise productivity and lower costs is the central goal of health reform (as it should be),” explains EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta, then changing “how the Medicare fee-for-service program works should top the list of reform priorities.” Read more>>

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