Deep-Red Montana Could Be Democrats’ Biggest Catch in 2020. Can They Land It?

Published September 15, 2020

The Washington Post

HELENA, Mont. — Montana’s famous fly-fishing attracts anglers from all over the world hoping to catch the big one. Democrats think they might have a big fish on the hook in Republican Sen. Steve Daines. Whether they do or if that’s just another whopper might determine control of the U.S. Senate.

This immense, sparsely populated state appears to be a Republican’s dream. The state’s overwhelmingly White population and rural character — its largest city, Billings, has barely more than 100,000 people — usually indicates a strong red tilt. But appearances can deceive. The state has elected only three Republican senators since World War I and hasn’t elected a Republican governor since 2000. Montanans regularly split their tickets, and they did so again in 2018 by reelecting Democratic Sen. Jon Tester, even as exit polls showed a majority of voters approved of President Trump’s job performance.

Daines and his Democratic opponent, two-term Gov. Steve Bullock, are both political heavyweights. Both men grew up in Montana and returned from short stints out of state to raise their families in their hometowns, and both have been involved in politics since their youth. Both know the state inside and out, and both know the other is a smart, capable foe.

Click here to read the rest of this piece at the Washington Post’s website.

Henry Olsen is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

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