Republicans need a counteroffer to Biden’s Medicare fix

Published March 8, 2023

The Washington Post

President Biden’s proposed plan to fix the Medicare trust fund is a typical Democratic tax hike. Republicans would be right to reject it out of hand. But they should also use it as a starting point for serious comprehensive negotiations.

No one disputes that the Medicare trust fund is going broke. Absent changes to the program, the fund is projected to run out of assets to pay for hospital expenses in 2028. Running out of assets means revenues from taxes would no longer cover expenses, forcing Congress to make emergency changes to the program. No one wants that to happen.

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Henry Olsen, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, studies and provides commentary on American politics. His work focuses on how America’s political order is being upended by populist challenges, from the left and the right. He also studies populism’s impact in other democracies in the developed world.

Henry Olsen, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, studies and provides commentary on American politics. His work focuses on how America’s political order is being upended by populist challenges, from the left and the right. He also studies populism’s impact in other democracies in the developed world.

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