EPPC President Ryan T. Anderson on Fulton v. Philadelphia: “Big Win for Religious Liberty”

June 17, 2021

EPPC President Ryan T. Anderson issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling today in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia:

“A 9-0 win at the Supreme Court is not something to take lightly. Yes, the holding was likely narrower than it would have been had it been decided 5-4 or 6-3. Yes, there are many other questions that remain to be answered by the Court as far as the extent of the Constitutional protections for Americans who believe marriage unites husband and wife. Still, the Court ruled unanimously in favor of the free exercise of Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia. It ruled unanimously against the religious bigotry of the city of Philadelphia. This is a big win for religious liberty and for all Americans who support the truth about marriage. It also seriously undermines the leading argument from many on the Left: that support for man-woman marriage is akin to racist bigotry. Note there were not many 9-0 wins for Bob Jones University.”

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