Human Ecology: Integrating 125 Years of Catholic Social Doctrine

March 22, 2016 | Catholic University of America

On March 17, 2016, EPPC Senior Fellow Mary Eberstadt spoke at the 2016 Napa Institute and The Catholic University of America School of Business and Economics conference Human Ecology: Integrating 125 Years of Catholic Social Doctrine.

From Catholic News Agency’s recap of Mrs. Eberstadt’s remarks:

At the heart of many of today’s most pressing U.S. religious liberty concerns is the fallout from the sexual revolution decades ago, said one author on the subject at a recent conference.

Mary Eberstadt, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, argued that while atheistic Communism failed in Russia and Eastern Europe, a key error persists today in the form of an intolerant secularism rooted in the sexual revolution.

The “anthropological error” at the heart of Communism, “the notion that man can be man without religious liberty lives on with a vengeance now,” Eberstadt said at a conference in Washington, D.C. on March 17.


Click here to read a National Review Online article by Kathryn Jean Lopez that also quotes from Mrs. Eberstadt’s remarks.

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel and EPPC Visiting Fellow Erika Bachiochi also spoke at the conference.

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