Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry is a former fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry is a former fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Why Establishment Conservatives Still Miss the Point of Trump
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
Conservatives must both propose and implement actual policies that make an actual, tangible difference in the lives of ordinary Americans.
American Greatness / February 13, 2021
Trade Policy Is Always Political First
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
In the 1990s a trade regime that hitherto consistently understood itself as a political tool, the function of which was to achieve political aims, began running on autopilot and understanding itself as a purely economic tool.
American Greatness / January 29, 2020
A Science-Based Case for Ending the Porn Epidemic
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
The evidence is in: porn is as addictive as smoking, or more, except that what smoking does to your lungs, porn does to your brain. And compelling evidence suggests that it is also having a far-reaching impact on our social fabric as a whole.
American Greatness / December 15, 2019
This Branch of Government Is Dead
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
Sometimes, the shortest of lives inspire millions. And so it is with the oak tree that French President Emmanuel Macron ceremonially planted with President Trump on the South Lawn of the White House.
Washington Examiner / June 13, 2019
French Socialism Has Failed
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
‘Free’ government services in France are unsustainable and anything but progressive.
National Review - June 3, 2019 issue / May 30, 2019
The Failure of the French Elite
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
The yellow vest protests have revealed the profound divide between the privileged class embodied by Emmanuel Macron and the rest of France.
The Wall Street Journal / February 23, 2019
Sorry, but ‘Her Emails’ Were a Legitimate Scandal and They Deserved to Be Covered
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
There’s certainly an argument for wondering if coverage of this or that during the crazy 2016 campaign wasn’t a bit too intense. There is, however, no possible rational argument that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal was not a real, legitimate scandal, deserving of widespread coverage and opprobrium.
Washington Examiner / February 19, 2019
Montessori Schools are Exceptionally Successful. So Why aren’t There More of Them?
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
Against the Lockean view, Montessori education supports the authentic Christian view that every child has a unique, God-given identity and gifts and must, by grace, develop them. As opposed to the Cartesian view, this approach rejects mind-body dualism. So why didn’t the church embrace it when it came along?
America Magazine / July 26, 2018
Macron’s New Iran Deal Deserves a Chance
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
President Trump should take up French President Emmanuel Macron’s suggestion to treat the existing Iran nuclear deal as one leg in a broader accord that would cover nuclear activities beyond the deal’s 10-year deadline, ballistic missile technology, and, especially, Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism in the region.
Bloomberg View / April 30, 2018
Macron and Trump Can Team Up on Trade
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
The picture of Emmanuel Macron as a ga-ga globalist, and of Donald Trump as a protectionist ideologue, is too simplistic. Indeed, for all their very real differences, they also share priorities, which offers a way for them to work together.
Bloomberg View / April 26, 2018
Trump and Macron Aren’t Really an Odd Couple
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry
Both Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron see themselves as outsiders in their own political systems, determined to change the status quo against opposition from both sides of the aisle and a hostile media.
Bloomberg View / April 25, 2018