Eric Cohen
Adjunct Fellow
Eric Cohen is an Adjunct Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center as well as a member of EPPC’s board of directors.
Eric Cohen is an Adjunct Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, as well as a member of EPPC’s board of directors.
Mr. Cohen is the executive director of the Tikvah Fund and the publisher of the Jewish Review of Books and of Jewish Ideas Daily. He is also editor-at-large of The New Atlantis, the quarterly journal founded at EPPC focused on the ethical, political, and social implications of modern science and technology, having served as editor of the journal from its founding until February 2007. His articles and essays have been published in numerous academic and popular journals, magazines, and newspapers.
He is the author of In the Shadow of Progress: Being Human in the Age of Technology (2008) and co-editor (with William Kristol) of The Future is Now: America Confronts the New Genetics (2002). He was previously managing editor of The Public Interest and served as a senior consultant to the President’s Council on Bioethics. He was also a Phillips Foundation Fellow (2001) and a Fulbright Scholar (2000).
The Ethics of Stem Cells
Eric Cohen
[The following exchange, between Eric Cohen, editor of The New Atlantis and director of EPPC’s program on Biotechnology and American Democracy,…
The Forward / May 21, 2004
The Politics of Bioethics
Eric Cohen
“NOTHING ILLUSTRATES this administration’s anti-science attitude better than George Bush’s cynical decision to limit research on embryonic stem cells,” declared…
The Weekly Standard, Volume 009, Issue 33 / May 10, 2004
The Crisis of Everyday Life
Eric Cohen
Eric Cohen’s essay puts forward a powerful critique of supporters of embryo research: Their case, Cohen argues, is mystical or…
The New Atlantis, Spring 2004 / May 1, 2004
The Price of Winning at Any Cost
Eric Cohen
It’s Super Bowl Sunday. A day of hype and heroics. Big money and bragging rights. In all likelihood, more people…
The Washington Post Outlook section, p. B05 / February 1, 2004
Bioethics in Wartime
Eric Cohen
Both war and bioethics raise existential questions about the American idea of the good life. Eric Cohen explores why we…
The New Atlantis, Number 3, Fall 2003, pp. 23-33. / September 15, 2003
A Clone by any Other Name
Eric Cohen
TRUTH, famously the first casualty of war, is now falling victim to the latest skirmish in the biotech wars. Euphemism…
The Weekly Standard / December 23, 2002
Biotech Loses Its Innocence
Eric Cohen
IN A RECENT REPORT for investors in the biotech industry, the relationship between biotechnology and terrorism is described as follows:…
The Weekly Standard / June 24, 2002