Politics, Cambridge Changes, and Orwell’s England

Published August 26, 2022

WORLD Opinions

Have I changed my mind? That is a question I have been asked repeatedly over the last few years. The reason? Many years ago, I published a small book, Republocrat, that criticized attempts by Christians to press voting for one party or another as a hallmark of Christian fidelity.

At the time, many on the right read it as a liberal-left leaning tract that showed, in the words of one correspondent, that I simply “didn’t get it”—whatever “it” might have been. Since that time, I have come to write almost exclusively for organizations associated with strongly conservative policies. So, the recent inquiries make sense.

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Carl R. Trueman is a fellow in EPPC’s Evangelicals in Civic Life Program, where his work focuses on helping civic leaders and policy makers better understand the deep roots of our current cultural malaise. In addition to his scholarship on the intellectual foundations of expressive individualism and the sexual revolution, Trueman is also interested in the origins, rise, and current use of critical theory by progressives. He serves as a professor at Grove City College.

Carl R. Trueman is a fellow in EPPC’s Evangelicals in Civic Life Program, where his work focuses on helping civic leaders and policy makers better understand the deep roots of our current cultural malaise. In addition to his scholarship on the intellectual foundations of expressive individualism and the sexual revolution, Trueman is also interested in the origins, rise, and current use of critical theory by progressives. He serves as a professor at Grove City College.

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