God raised Him from the dead

Published April 7, 2023

WORLD Opinions

The entirety of the Christian faith hinges on those historical events that took place in Jerusalem—events that sent shockwaves throughout the rest of recorded history. The climactic event was Jesus of Nazareth’s physical resurrection from death to life. According to Scripture, Jesus was not “raised to life in our hearts,” as theological liberalism proclaims, nor was He resuscitated from a mere near-death experience. As Miracle Max from The Princess Bride said, “There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive.”

The pivotal event of the Christian faith centers on a man who was once fully dead yet became fully alive by divine action (Acts 13:30). The apostles clearly believed that the central claim of their proclamation was the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.

One cannot be indifferent to the claim of Christ’s bodily resurrection. Our civilization’s familiarity with Christianity can render such astounding, even scandalous, claims as old hat. Yet, 2,000 years ago, a group of Jesus’s followers laid their lives on the line so that the world would believe the validity and truthfulness of their message. And today, modern man and modern woman must continue to grapple with the disciples’ message as well.

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EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.

EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.

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