COVID Boosters for Omicron Are Not ‘Highly Effective’ and Americans Are Not ‘Highly Protected’

Published January 19, 2022

American Thinker

Remember when the White House and Dr. Anthony Fauci told us that, once we all took vaccines, we would all soon return to “normal”?  Well, that’s not going to happen.  This virus will be with us for decades, just as the flu has persisted despite the availability of vaccines.  That is because any virus can mutate.  The combination of open borders from countries with poor public health, the relative complexity of COVID-19 compared to the flu, and the fact the viruses may mutate quickly mean it’s almost impossible to make a vaccine fast enough to be effective.

Biden has pushed vaccinations and boosters, stating, “Go get vaccinated, America!” and “Get a booster shot eight months after you got your second shot.”  This is in sharp contrast to Kamala Harris, who about a year ago famously stated on live television: “If Donald Trump tells me to take it [the vaccine], I’m not taking it.”  Oddly, Harris’s sentiment transformed shortly after Biden was sworn in as president.

Next, Americans then repeatedly heard Fauci on television parroting that the vaccine and booster shots were “highly effective” and the White House officially repeating on December 22 that people with the booster are “highly protected.”

What we’re seeing is the moral bankruptcy equivalent of what Ernest Hemingway once said about actual bankruptcy, which comes “gradually, then suddenly.”  The Biden bureaucrats are “all in” and can never turn back, data be damned.

Likewise, mainstream news can’t handle the truth about White House vaccine mandates.  Rather than critique, they simply parrot.  The truth is that the vaccines are not a magic bullet, because they protect people neither from catching nor from dying from COVID.  At the bottom of this post, you’ll find a long list of actual epidemiological findings from December alone, all strongly contradicting the administration’s narrative.

Strikingly, despite data showing that it’s not just “boostered” people usually who have mild omicron symptoms, it appears that everyone with the omicron variant seems to have mild symptoms.  Why is the White House ignoring science?

Other foreign officials are more forthcoming.  “It’s Time to Admit Failure,” stated Israel’s Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the department of microbiology and immunology at Tel Aviv University.

Two years [later], you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it, because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years … it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame.

There is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic — we told you so.

I’m hopeful that this kind of boldness to speak the truth will be contagious at the FDA, but I’m not holding my breath.

The refusal to acknowledge the truth about vaccines raises a number of questions:

Why are the White House and mainstream media working overtime to encourage public hysteria over vaccines for omicron?

Why aren’t any of the career employees at the so-called “independent” federal public health agencies such as the CDC and NIH — and especially the FDA — speaking out en masse and in the name of science now, when they felt so comfortable doing so during the Trump administration?

Why are the mainstream news pundits at CNN who vociferously warned about how “stupid” it would be to take a supposedly “rushed” vaccine under Trump still blindly following the Biden White House on boosters and omicron, even as they seem to ignore the massive subjective and objective failure of boosters?

Is hydroxychloroquine bad only because Donald Trump and conservatives promote it?

Why aren’t professional organizations calling out the FDA or the CDC for failing to provide pharmacies and hospitals with universal recommendations for early treatment protocols of COVID-19 infection?  Instead, U.S. providers are forced to go to Canadian COVID Care Alliance to get treatment and prevention protocols for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  Hydroxychloroquine is widely available and inexpensive, has decades of safety data — and there’s this: 76% of the real-time meta-analysis of 305 studies report positive effects for COVID-19 patients.

Here’s a tidbit about hydroxychloroquine from you should know: according to the compilation of hydroxychloroquine COVID treatment studies, the probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive with those 305 studies is estimated to be 1 in 872 trillion.

Maybe it’s time for America’s physicians, pharmacists, and health care workers to stop blindly listening to the federal agencies and mainstream news narratives for advice on clinical pharmacology and actually examine the data themselves.

COVID vaccine/booster effectiveness news reports from December 1 through December 30, 2021

  1. According to statistics from the Oregon Health Authority 622 Fully Vaccinated Oregon Residents Died Of COVID-19
  2. In the week before Christmas, Massachusetts reported nearly 14,000 new boostered/breakthrough cases in the week before Christmas.
  3. Most new COVID-19 cases in Denmark occur in people who are vaccinated or boosted – and that is true for both Omicron and earlier variants. More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people, along with about 90 percent of Omicron infections.
  4. On December 10, Reuters and MSN had reported that Most (79%) of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant identified in the United States so far were in people who were fully vaccinated, and a third of them had received a booster dose.
  5. On December 17, the military began the process of dishonorably discharging 20,000 vaccine refusers. Every single one of the approximately 12,000 applications for religious exemption was declined. (Only two have since been granted.)
  6. On December 19, fully-vaccinated + boosted Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker both tests positive for COVID-19.
  7. On December 27, the U.S. set a single-day record of new COVID-19 infections, with 441,278 new cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Infection, despite many already having vaccines and boosters.
  8. New York City sets new infection record after record even though a whopping 85 percent of all New York City residents have received at least one injection as of October 2021. On Dec. 26, 2021, 189,714 new cases of COVID-19 were reported. Of those, 54,828 came from New York City — almost 30%. Of note, NYC also has some of the strictest vaccine passport requirements in the USA.
  9. On December 29, new infection records were made in both the USA and the United Kingdom where one in 35 people now infected across the country and one in 20 infected in London.
  10. On December 30, the U.S. set a world record; 489,267 new COVID cases in 24 hours the most of any country in the world, despite Biden mandates and nationwide firings of the unvaccinated.
  11. On December 30, 2021, the Robert Koch Institute, a German federal government agency and research institute, reported that 95.58% of Omicron Cases in Germans Are Among Fully Vaccinated, 4% are unvaccinated.

Dr. David Gortler is a pharmacologist, pharmacist, and FDA and health care policy scholar at the Ethics and Public Policy Center think-tank in Washington, D.C.  He was a professor of pharmacology and biotechnology at the Yale University School of Medicine, where he also served at Yale’s Bioethicist Center, and was an FDA medical officer who was later appointed by the White House to serve on the FDA’s Senior Executive Leadership Team as senior adviser to the FDA commissioner for drug safety, drug epidemiology, FDA science policy, and FDA regulatory affairs.  He is a regular columnist at Forbes and writes on drug safety, health care, and FDA policy.

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