Catholic Studies publication

An Epistolary Romp Through Catholicism

George Weigel

A new version of Letters to a Young Catholic takes readers to some new stops on a tour of the vast, endlessly fascinating world of Catholicism.


Syndicated Column / September 2, 2015

Catacomb Time?

George Weigel

While it is true that the Church in the United States is going to have to fight hard, both internally and externally, to maintain the Catholic integrity and identity of what Profesor Joseph Ratzinger called those “edifices . . . built in prosperity,” there is no reason to think that that fight is already lost and that it’s time to head for the catacombs.


Syndicated Column / August 28, 2015

The Deeper Issue at the Synod

George Weigel

The Kasper approach to moral theology, which is reflected in the German and Swiss bishops’ reports to the upcoming Synod, absolutizes history to the point that it relativizes and ultimately demeans revelation—the “sacred givens” that are the permanent structure of Christian life.


Syndicated Column / August 19, 2015

The Perils of “Preferred Peers”

George Weigel

Catholic higher education in the United States is, in my experience, the best Catholic higher education in the world. But it could be better.

First Things / August 12, 2015

The Amazing, and Now Venerable, Father Al

George Weigel

Father Aloysius Schwartz’s life and accomplishments are a reminder that God really is profligate with gifts of grace, and that saints-in-the-making are all around us as companions on the way.


The Catholic Difference / July 29, 2015

Flannery O’Connor and Catholic Realism

George Weigel

The great author and Catholic apologist believed that story-telling ought to help modern men and women see “things as they are,” cutting through the fog of a culture that tells us that everything can be just the way we’d like it to be.


Syndicated Column / July 22, 2015

Letter from Cracow, Poland’s Crown Jewel

George Weigel

Reflecting on the vicissitudes of history from one of the world’s premier crossroads, a place of encounter between languages and cultures.


National Review Online / July 22, 2015

George Weigel Interview in Poland’s Sunday Visitor on the Battle for Marriage

George Weigel

George Weigel talks with a Polish Catholic weekly magazine about the legalization of same-sex marriage, Pope Francis’s upcoming visit to the U.S., and the Synod of 2015.


EXCLUSIVE: Feds Paid Baby Organ-Harvesting Doc For Advice On ‘Healthy Baby’ Births

Mary Rice Hasson

Leave it to the Obama administration to tap an abortionist–the infamous Dr. Deborah Nucatola–for ‘expert’ advice on ensuring that children are ‘born healthy.’ The real question is: how much are we, the American taxpayers, paying Dr. Nucatola for her ‘expert’ opinion?


The Federalist / July 20, 2015

Progressive Catholic Authoritarianism

George Weigel

Forms of authoritarian bullying, shaming, and exclusion that would have appalled 1950s Catholic liberals have made their way into the kitbag of contemporary progressive Catholicism.


Syndicated Column / July 16, 2015

Has the Vatican Already Forgotten the Lessons of John Paul II?

George Weigel

The Vatican’s institutional memory seems to retain little from either the teaching or the accomplishment of John Paul II. And that ill serves Pope Francis, whose public persona and popularity, like John Paul’s, create openings for real change to happen.


National Review Online / July 13, 2015

Cuban Hopes for the Papal Visit

George Weigel

Pope Francis

Pope Francis has an opportunity to push the Castro regime to demonstrate a new commitment to being the servant of the Cuban people by taking real, tangible steps toward establishing a legal framework for democracy, within which Cubans can work out their own destiny and take responsibility for their country’s future progress.


Syndicated Column / July 8, 2015