Theology of Home Project publication

The War Against Our Lady and Womanhood Marches On

Carrie Gress

We now live with a cool and edgy cocktail of Marxism and the occult. Women have been drinking it up ever since, with men either embracing it or left unsure how to counter it.


National Catholic Register / July 23, 2021

Our Rainbow Religion, Which Lets Us Become as Gods

Noelle Mering

rosary overcome by rainbow

Making ourselves gods might feel like magic at first, but it ends in despair. We simply are not made to be gods, and to attempt that requires too much denial of reality, too many mutilated bodies, and too many competing wills.


The Stream / July 8, 2021

Can Catholics Get Woke?

Noelle Mering

One of the reasons woke ideology has been successful at making inroads among Christian communities is that it feeds off the Christian precept to offer compassion and aid to the marginalized and suffering. This leads to a lot of confusion about whether or not Christians can get woke, with many seeing it as the natural outgrowth of that Christian precept. But as I write in my book, Awake, Not Woke (TAN Books), on both a human and a spiritual level, wokeness is an ideology that harms far more than helps.


Catholic Answers / June 8, 2021

Today’s Slave Traders Get Botox

Carrie Gress

Celebrities, politicians, journalists make it clear that without abortion, we can only be headed to The Handmaid’s Tale. The tidy fear-mongering narrative, the perfectly coiffed hair, the manicured hands, the on-trend fashions, all speak a convincing language of authority and truth. But at some point, we need to pull back the curtain a bit more and expose the lies delivered by the silver-tongued and perfectly groomed.


The Stream / May 23, 2021

‘Woke’ Catholic Schools Offer Poison in Place of the Gospel

Noelle Mering

Far from supplementing Church teaching, critical race theory assaults it in three fundamental ways.


Why The Cultural Assault On Natural Womanhood Robs Women Of Fulfillment

Carrie Gress

We have dismissed womanhood and all its attending realities, like having children and raising them. Meanwhile, we’ve encouraged women to become so men-like that we can’t tell the difference anymore. If we can, we aren’t supposed to say that part out loud. We have scarcely any idea what true womanhood or manhood is anymore.


The Federalist / April 26, 2021

Thomas Howard and the wonder of our earthly and heavenly homes

Noelle Mering

While he found a home in the Catholic Church, it was his everyday home that offered a window into the wonder and mystery he perceived in the ordinary material of life.

The Catholic World Report / October 16, 2020