Search results for: "natural law"

A Preserving Grace

Michael Cromartie

A host of questions that surround the notion of natural law are examined and debated by a distinguished group of scholars–Russell Hittinger, Susan Schreiner, Daniel Westberg, Joan Lockwood O’Donovan, Carl E. Braaten, Timothy George, William Edgar, and Robert P. George.



Catholic Education: Homeward Bound – Useful Guide to Catholic Home Schooling

Publication date: February 1, 1996 Publisher: Ignatius Press Co-authored by Mary Rice Hasson and Kimberly Hahn From the publisher: Two…



Re-Viewing Vatican II

George Weigel

George Lindbeck, the distinguished Lutheran theologian, served from 1962 through 1965 as one of sixty “Delegated Observers” from other Christian…


First Things / December 1, 1994

Christian Conviction and Democratic Etiquette

George Weigel

According to a bit of street wisdom that has worked its way into the national vocabulary, “You got to walk…


First Things / March 1, 1994

Catholicism and the Renewal of American Democracy

George Weigel

During the last twenty years, American Catholics have been locked in a Fierce Struggle to shape not only the inner life of their church but the stance their church will take on civic and political questions.In the book George Weigel takes us to the center of that struggle, where the Left and the Right are rallying around their standards,.One side, he believes, is yielding to a Jacobin temptation of descriptive radicalism which obscures the authoritative message of the gospel.The other side is retreating to a disgruntled, world-denying posture, longing for the restoration of a bygone and largely mythical age.


Syndicated Column / May 1, 1989