EPPC Scholars Meet with Federal Officials to Discuss Concerns with Nine Agency Rule on Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations  

February 5, 2024

On Monday, February 5, 2024, EPPC scholars Rachel N. Morrison and Natalie Dodson met with federal government officials to discuss concerns with a rule expected to be finalized soon that would modify regulations for faith-based organizations that partner with nine federal agencies to provide services to beneficiaries of various agency programs.  

As the scholars explained,  

Throughout this nation’s history, faith-based organizations have been vital to providing services to those in need. Indeed, as President Biden recognized in Executive Order 14015, faith-based organizations are essential to the delivery of services in our nation’s neighborhoods, and it is important to strengthen the ability of such organizations to deliver services in partnership with the federal government while adhering to all applicable law. Yet, without any demonstrated need, the agencies’ proposed rule would gut religious protections for faith-based organizations partnering with the agencies to serve beneficiaries. 

During the meeting, the scholars pointed out various ways the rule is arbitrary and capricious, contrary to law, and “a solution in search of a problem.” 

A written version of their comments, submitted to the government, is available here  (PDF).  

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