May 31, 2019
The Ethics and Public Policy Center extends a fond farewell to Yuval Levin, who after 13 remarkably productive years at EPPC will be joining AEI as its new director of social, cultural, and constitutional studies.
“Yuval has been a gem of a colleague, and it’s been a delight to see him develop over the years into the leading conservative thinker of his generation,” said EPPC President Ed Whelan. “We will miss him deeply, and we look forward to opportunities to continue to work with him.”
“EPPC has not only been a wonderful home,” Mr. Levin said, “it has also been for me a model of how an institution devoted to the foundational principles and traditions of our civilization can be simultaneously influential and countercultural. Thanks to Ed Whelan’s leadership, it has gone from strength to strength, and I’m certain it will continue to do so. I’m enormously grateful to Ed and my other EPPC friends and colleagues, and I know we will continue to work together.”