July 13, 2021 | Anselm House Online Forum
On July 13, 2021, EPPC Faith Angle Forum Director Josh Good took part in an online forum titled “Faith in the News? Christianity and Journalism in the New Media Economy,” co-sponsored by Anselm House and other organizations. Other panelists included Emma Green (The Atlantic), Jeffrey Bilbro (Author, Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Analysis of the News), and Bonnie Kristian (The Week / Christianity Today). This event was moderated by Anselm House Faculty Fellow and UMN Professor Ruth DeFoster.
Journalists have always played an integral role in American public life. But rapid changes in the media landscape have revealed immense challenges on all sides—from reporting and producing news to consuming and interpreting it. Unfortunately, some people, frustrated with the challenges, cast aspersion on individual journalists and journalism as an institution. At its best, however, journalism helps us to see the world rightly, which may be a component in loving our neighbors well. How can we become better readers of the news? How can journalists maintain dedication to the truth and build trust, including covering religion well?
Anselm House: https://anselmhouse.org/
The Augustine Collective: https://augustinecollective.org/
Between Cities: A Journal of Christian Thought: https://www.betweencities.org/
The Veritas Forum: https://www.veritas.org/