EPPC’s Big Tech Symposium

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

9:15 a.m. ET – 1:15 p.m. ET

What should be done about Big Tech and its increasing censorship of conservative voices and speech, along with other harms its business practices pose to American society? What are the various solutions and approaches being put forward in Congress, and how should we think through the merits of them? What, if anything, should be done about Section 230? Should antitrust law be used as another instrument to curb Big Tech’s abuse of its market power, and are any changes needed to update existing antitrust laws in order to do so effectively? And lastly, what is the common carriage legal doctrine and how could it be used as a potential legal vehicle for countering Big Tech’s discrimination against conservatives?

EPPC President Ryan T. Anderson and EPPC Policy Analyst Clare Morell hosted EPPC’s Big Tech Symposium, where five members of Congress presented their proposed legislative solutions, followed by panels of distinguished legal scholars and experts who discussed and debated those solutions as applied to Section 230, Antitrust Law, and Common Carrier Law.

Introduction and Congressional Remarks
Antitrust Law and Big Tech
What to Do About Section 230?
Is Common Carrier the Solution to Big Tech’s Censorship?