The Gospel & Pornography

Publication date: April 1, 2017
Publisher: B&H Books

From the publisher:

The problem isn’t sex.

God designed sex; and sex is good. Sex is a powerful union that brings men and women together. But when sex is distorted by sin, the misuse of our sexuality can alienate us from one another, causing immense harm and pain. Enter pornography—the most prevalent distortion of sexual sin in America. Pornography is not only a problem in terms of personal morality, but a social epidemic that is making the possibility of sexually-fulfilled marriages harder to achieve. It is rewiring our brains to think about sexuality in destructive ways. We have a very serious problem, and it’s not isolated to any one segment of culture.

So, what now?

Editors Russell Moore and Andrew T. Walker of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) assemble leading voices to frame the issue with a gospel-centered perspective. The Gospel for Life series gives every believer a biblically-saturated understanding of the most urgent issues facing our culture today, because the gospel is for all of life.

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