Noelle Mering


Noelle Mering is a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center where she co-directs EPPC’s Theology of Home Project. She is the author of the book Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology (TAN Books, May 2021).

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Noelle Mering is a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center where she co-directs EPPC’s Theology of Home Project. She is the author of the book Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology (TAN Books, May 2021).

She is an editor for the online women’s magazine Theology of Home and a coauthor of the books Theology of Home, volumes I – III. She writes on culture, politics, and religion and has published in National Review, The Federalist, The American Mind, Catholic World Report, and National Catholic Register. Her writing has been featured on Instapundit, EWTN, New Advent, Big Pulpit, Catholic Herald, Albert Mohler’s The Briefing, Fox News Radio, and Relevant Radio.

Noelle is a wife and mother of six children in Southern California.

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The Sea and the Soul

Noelle Mering

“If you don’t understand the wave, you can’t respect it. And if you don’t have respect, it’s only a matter of time before the ocean teaches you to get some.” — Laird Hamilton


Schools’ New Misgendering Rules Will Create Compliant, Fearful Children Perfect For Totalitarianism

Noelle Mering

Anything short of total allegiance to LGBTQ+ dogmas has long been considered hateful regardless of whether one’s position is animated by malice or not.


The Federalist / June 23, 2022

A Christian Response to Pride Month

Noelle Mering

Incumbent on the Christian is to love the person and resist the revolution.

Theology of Home / June 8, 2022

Try a Little Tenderness

Noelle Mering

A subversive message for Mother’s Day


The American Mind / May 10, 2022

Dear Science: What If Kids Need Their Moms?

Noelle Mering

Maybe there’s a better way to educate kids than universal pre-kindergarten, but secular education science is having a hard time discovering it


Catholic Answers / February 23, 2022

The Two Commandments of Tyranny

Noelle Mering

When the official narrative you are not allowed to question is later admitted to be not only false but unjust and deleterious then we should start approaching the current official narratives with more skepticism.


The Catholic World Report / February 9, 2022

INTERVIEW: Noelle Mering: “Suppression of dissenting voices is a feature, not a bug…”

Noelle Mering

EPPC Fellow Noelle Mering, author of Awake, Not Woke, talks with the Catholic World Report about the woke movement and Critical Race Theory.


The Catholic World Report / January 7, 2022

Not My Kids

Noelle Mering

Recovering victims of woke abuse have had enough.


The American Mind / December 3, 2021

Above Us Only Sky: How Ideology Manipulates Reality & Reverence as the Remedy

Noelle Mering

To see reality as it is, we must start with the hardest reality to face of all—that of sincerely seeing ourselves.


Religion & Liberty / November 10, 2021

What Proponents of Bodily Autonomy Miss

Noelle Mering

The progressive fear that we might end up legislating morality ignores the reality that we have long been legislating a radical moral framework of autonomy at any cost. We might instead begin with a common principle that the gratification of our desires must end where the commodification of human beings begins.


National Review Online / September 27, 2021

Our Rainbow Religion, Which Lets Us Become as Gods

Noelle Mering

Making ourselves gods might feel like magic at first, but it ends in despair. We simply are not made to be gods, and to attempt that requires too much denial of reality, too many mutilated bodies, and too many competing wills.


The Stream / July 8, 2021

Can Catholics Get Woke?

Noelle Mering

One of the reasons woke ideology has been successful at making inroads among Christian communities is that it feeds off the Christian precept to offer compassion and aid to the marginalized and suffering. This leads to a lot of confusion about whether or not Christians can get woke, with many seeing it as the natural outgrowth of that Christian precept. But as I write in my book, Awake, Not Woke (TAN Books), on both a human and a spiritual level, wokeness is an ideology that harms far more than helps.


Catholic Answers / June 8, 2021