Andrew T. Walker


EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.

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EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.

In addition to his role with EPPC, Dr. Walker is an Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is an Associate Dean in the School of Theology and the Executive Director of the Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement. He serves as the Executive Editor of Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology, a publication of The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and is a Contributing Editor at Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute. He is also the Public Affairs Advisor to the Kentucky Baptist Convention and a Fellow with the Research Institute of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

Dr. Walker’s analysis has been quoted among such outlets as the New York TimesThe Los Angeles Times, and Vox. His scholarly publications include articles and reviews in the Oxford Journal of Church and State and The Southwestern Journal of Theology. He writes regularly for such outlets as National ReviewFirst Things, The Gospel CoalitionChristianity Today, and Public Discourse. He is the author of the award-winning God and the Transgender DebateMarriage Is: How Marriage Transforms Society and Cultivates Human Flourishing, and editor of The Gospel for Life series. He is also an editor of the forthcoming volume Explorations in Baptist Political Theology (B&H Academic) alongside Thomas Kidd and Paul Miller. He is currently at work on an edited volume with Zondervan Academic on perspectives on the natural law and also on a natural law evangelical ethics volume.

Walker earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies from Southwest Baptist University, and he received his Master of Divinity, Master of Theology, and Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Ethics from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He previously served as a policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation and as a Senior Fellow in Ethics at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

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How To Talk About Christian Ethics

Andrew T. Walker

For the Christian to persist in the public square, we must not only be prepared to cite the sincerity of our claim, but the sound reasonabless undergirding it as well.


First Things / June 15, 2022

The Beauty of Transcendent Truths

Andrew T. Walker

Appealing to Non-Christians in the Public Square


Light / June 2, 2022

How “LGB” led to “T”

Andrew T. Walker

We told you so. We told you that denying the conjugal relationship of male and female as the boundaries for marriage’s definition would lead to the overall unraveling of society’s most basic institution and eventually to human nature itself.


WORLD Opinions / June 2, 2022

Parental Rights: A Christian Natural Law Primer

Andrew T. Walker

If culture continues to secularize, we should assume that episodes that call into question the primacy of the natural family and the authority of its bonds will repeat and escalate.


Eikon / May 23, 2022

No, Overturning Roe Would Not Establish Theocracy

Ryan T. Anderson

Since the leaking of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, activists, opinion journalists, and even famous authors have been shrieking that…


First Things / May 23, 2022

Politics Isn’t Everything, But It’s Not Nothing

Andrew T. Walker

Christians should find a balance between political excess and retreat


WORLD Opinions / May 19, 2022

The Ends Do Not Justify the Mobs

Andrew T. Walker

Supreme Court Justices are to be respected, not intimidated. We can only hope that they are being given the necessary security to protect themselves and their families.


Newsweek / May 12, 2022

Why is Murder a Crime but Idolatry Isn’t?

Andrew T. Walker

Unity cannot come at the expense of human dignity. The legality of abortion is not a matter of mere political prudence.


WORLD Opinions / May 3, 2022

The Myth of Government Neutrality

Andrew T. Walker

Telling the “government” to be neutral where it cannot not be neutral is at odds with our whole concept of representative democracy.


WORLD Opinions / April 28, 2022

Playing Offense: How Christian Natural Law Arguments Work in Public Apologetics

Andrew T. Walker

Christians have satisfying answers to explain the confusion and conflict that plagues our contemporary culture, so we should speak up.


Southern Seminary Magazine / April 26, 2022

Come, Let Us Reason Together

Andrew T. Walker

Despite a nationwide emphasis on restoring civility (assuming it was once even there), America seems more inclined than ever to tear apart at its seams.


What Went Wrong? / April 13, 2022

Who Is an Evangelical? A Plea for Clarity

Andrew T. Walker

Let the evangel define evangelicalism, not politics.


WORLD Opinions / April 7, 2022