
EPPC Amicus Brief Urges Supreme Court to Require Public Input on Agency Rulemaking

Eric Kniffin

On June 14, 2024, EPPC filed an amicus brief in Chestek v. Vidal, urging the Supreme Court to hear a case involving whether the…


PDF / June 29, 2024

Why the Southern Baptists Said No to IVF

Andrew T. Walker

A resolution affirms the moral goodness of new life, but not of all means to achieve it.


The Wall Street Journal / June 20, 2024

Two Years After Dobbs

Patrick T. Brown

In June 2022, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, correctly finding that…


PDF / June 20, 2024

Ticket to Oblivion?

George Weigel

“Liberalism in religion is the doctrine that there is no positive truth in religion, but that one creed is as good as another.”


Syndicated Column / June 19, 2024

Speaking the Truth with Love

Francis X. Maier

Tomorrow, June 20, marks the 2024 summer solstice, the longest day of the year.  Nobody really cares about the solstice…


The Catholic Thing / June 19, 2024

IVF Is A Horrible Substitute For Real Reproductive Health

Nathanael Blake

A new bill would encourage treating the underlying health conditions that result in fertility problems, before pushing women into trying IVF.


The Federalist / June 19, 2024

Abortion and Fetal Anomalies


Abortion advocates often argue that one key reason abortion should remain legal is because of its supposed necessity in cases…

Defending Life After Dobbs / June 19, 2024

This Liberal Academic Wants Christians To Leave Politics To Leftists

Nathanael Blake

Lilla wants all Christians to give up and let self-admitted liberal failures like himself have their way in politics.


The Federalist / June 17, 2024

EPPC Scholar Submits Comment Opposing Proposed USDA Rule That Would Gut Work Requirements for Food…

Jamie Bryan Hall

On June 14, 2024, EPPC scholar Jamie Bryan Hall submitted a public comment opposing key provisions of a USDA rule… / June 14, 2024

What a Tangled Web We Weave Because Gay People Cannot Conceive

Carrie Gress

A bill that will facilitate the sale of babies is making its way through Massachusetts Legislature.


The Stream / June 14, 2024

George Weigel Interview with Gość Niedzielny

George Weigel

Interview with George Weigel (Distinguished Senior Fellow and William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies: Ethics and Public Policy Center) Rafał…

Gość Niedzielny / June 13, 2024

The Night I Met Jürgen Moltmann

Carl R. Trueman

The Moltmann I met that night was a learned, kind man, concerned for the poor and the marginalized.


First Things / June 13, 2024