Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry is a former fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

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Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry is a former fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

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For French Catholics, the Political Future has More Questions than Answers

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

The Macron-Le Pen face-off posed a singular challenge to any Catholic trying to make a faith-informed vote. What will be the impact of France’s surging, rejuvenated, newly-assertive Catholicism on French politics?


America Magazine / May 17, 2017

France’s New Political Divide

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

At the very least, the debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will lay bare the tensions at the heart of French society and finally show the real issues facing the country.


The Week / April 27, 2017

Zombie Catholics vs. French Secularism

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

If there is a Catholic revival in France, it may be starting in the cities, with the highly educated and, as the presidential campaign to be decided on May 7 may prove, with those highly attuned to politics.


America / April 12, 2017

Inside the Conservative Identity Crisis

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

So many conservatives have so internalized the progressive critique that they act it out. They’ve been told for so long by progressives that to be conservative is to be a jerk that they actually think that the way to be conservative is to be a jerk.


The Week / March 23, 2017

The Bald-Faced Hypocrisy of Progressives’ Refusal to Reform Medicaid

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

It’s hard to imagine a reform that could do worse than the status quo.


The Week / March 9, 2017

An Alternative to Increasing the Minimum Wage

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Subsidizing the pay of low-skilled workers would have many advantages for all.


National Review Online / February 16, 2017

Trump’s Francification of America

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

He has undoubtedly infused American politics with the French conservative style, to the detriment of the American conservative style.


The Week / February 15, 2017

This New Study Shows how Important it is for Kids to have Married Parents

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

A look at family trends from more than 60 countries bolsters the case that we should be protecting families through a social-legal institution that makes it harder to break up our children’s lives.


The Week / February 9, 2017

Where Do Our Morals Come From?

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Today, in academic philosophy, the idea of morality as a feeling has mostly won the day, albeit with moral rationalists fighting a vigorous insurgency.


The Week / January 26, 2017

Be Skeptical of the New Dossier on Trump’s Ties to Russia

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

Our post-truth, fake-news, biased press, hyper-partisan era is exactly the wrong context for getting to the bottom of a fantastically important story, one that is probably more complex than a blackmail scenario.


The Week / January 11, 2017

The Health-Care Villains Nobody Wants to Talk About

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

The case against mandatory licensure of doctors.


National Review Online / January 11, 2017

The 115th Congress Should Get to Work Restraining the Powers of the Presidency

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

The legislative branch should seize the moment for a long-overdue realignment.


National Review Online / January 4, 2017