Brad Littlejohn
Brad Littlejohn is a Fellow in EPPC’s Technology and Human Flourishing and Evangelicals in Civic Life programs. His wide-ranging research and writing encompasses work on the relation of digital technology and embodiment, the appropriate limits of free speech, the nature of freedom and authority in the Christian tradition, and the retrieval of a Protestant natural law ethic. He is the author of Called to Freedom: Retrieving Christian Liberty in an Age of License (B&H, 2025), and has authored or edited eighteen other books. He is a weekly Opinion Contributor at WORLD Magazine, and publishes extensively in other outlets such as First Things, National Affairs, American Affairs, The American Conservative, The Public Discourse, American Compass, Modern Age, Law and Liberty, and many more.
Brad Littlejohn is a Fellow in EPPC’s Technology and Human Flourishing and Evangelicals in Civic Life programs. His wide-ranging research and writing encompasses work on the relation of digital technology and embodiment, the appropriate limits of free speech, the nature of freedom and authority in the Christian tradition, and the retrieval of a Protestant natural law ethic. He is the author of Called to Freedom: Retrieving Christian Liberty in an Age of License (B&H, 2025), and has authored or edited eighteen other books. He is a weekly Opinion Contributor at WORLD Magazine, and publishes extensively in other outlets such as First Things, National Affairs, American Affairs, The American Conservative, The Public Discourse, American Compass, Modern Age, Law and Liberty, and many more.
In 2013 he founded the Davenant Institute, an organization dedicated to retrieving and renewing the Protestant theological and ethical tradition, and served for more than ten years as its President, before joining EPPC full-time in early 2024; he now serves as its President Emeritus. Before initially joining EPPC as a part-time Fellow in 2022, he worked as a Senior Fellow of the Edmund Burke Foundation as lead author on multi-year project entitled “Foundations of Liberty: Rediscovering the Anglo-American Conservative Tradition.”
As a scholar and writer in the fields of Christian ethics historical theology, he earned his PhD in Theological Ethics at the University of Edinburgh in 2014, where he studied the relationship of freedom and authority in the English Reformation. His writing in Christian theology and ethics has been published in outlets such as The Journal of the Sociey of Christian Ethics, Mere Orthodoxy, Ad Fontes, Plough, Comment, The Gospel Coalition, and many other journals.
He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Robertson School of Government at Regent University and a Professor of Christian History at DAvenant Hall, and has also taught at Bethlehem College , Moody Bible Institute, and Patrick Henry College, and served as Headmaster of Loudoun Classical School.
You can find all of his work and regular commentary at
Brad Littlejohn discusses Christian Freedom vs. Worldly License
January 7, 2025 | Issues, Etc.
Brad Littlejohn on the Rightful Understanding of Freedom
December 12, 2024 | Anchoring Truths
Brad Littlejohn on Freedom, Tradition, and the Digital Age
September 10, 2024 | Conservative Conversations with ISI
Brad Littlejohn on How to Elect Leaders Who Govern
August 24, 2024 | NC Family Policy Council
Brad Littlejohn on the renewal of authentic political authority
May 31, 2024 | Mars Hill Audio
Brad Littlejohn on Today’s conservatives
May 7, 2024 | WORLD Opinions
Brad Littlejohn on The Soft Tyranny of Smartphones
May 3, 2024 | Christ and Culture Podcast
Brad Littlejohn: Tackling personal vice
April 2, 2024 | WORLD Opinions
Brad Littlejohn on Why Protestants Convert to Catholicism
December 11, 2023 | The Aaron Renn Show
Brad Littlejohn on Political Authority
October 12, 2023 | Touchstone Conference
At the 2023 Touchstone Conference on October 12, 2023, Fellow Brad Littlejohn spoke about rediscovering political authority in an age…
VIDEO: Brad Littlejohn Debates Jonathan Leeman
November 19, 2022 | The Davenant Institute
On November 19, 2022, EPPC Fellow Brad Littlejohn debated Jonathan Leeman on the campus of Colorado Christian University. The two…
AUDIO: Brad Littlejohn on Post-Pandemic Communities
September 24, 2022 | NC Family Policy Council
On September 24, 2022, EPPC Fellow Brad Littlejohn joined the North Carolina Family Policy Council’s Family Policy Matters podcast to…
Commonwealth Dispatches from Fellow Brad Littlejohn of the Evangelicals in Civic Life program features regular commentary on the retrieval and renewal of a Protestant vision for securing ordered liberty and promoting the common good in an increasingly post-Protestant America.