The Gospel & Religious Liberty

Publication date: June 1, 2016
Publisher: B&H Books

From the publisher:

One nation, under God.

Religious liberty isn’t a principle for Americans alone, though it certainly has played an important role in the history of the United States. Religious liberty is a matter of authority and allegiance for people of every land. To whom one owes ultimate allegiance is a matter of the conscience, and one that should be protected in every nation.

But what if religious liberty gives way, and church’s are faced with the difficult decision between allegiance to their country and allegiance to their conscience?

Editors Russell Moore and Andrew T. Walker of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) assemble leading voices to frame the issues with a gospel-centered perspective. The Gospel for Life series gives every believer a biblically-saturated understanding of the most urgent issues facing our culture today, because the gospel is for all of life.

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