
The Chroniclers

George Weigel

You won’t see it offered for discount sale by Publishers Clearing House. You may not even be able to find…


Syndicated Column / March 1, 1987

Light From the East

George Weigel

Press and popular attention to matters of East and West naturally tends to focus on the extravaganzas: summit conferences, the…


Syndicated Column / March 1, 1987

Fog From the West

George Weigel

Tone-deafness to the message of men such as Adam Michnik, Vaclav Havel, and George Konrad is not a disability of…


Syndicated Column / March 1, 1987

And, Last But Not Least, From the South…

George Weigel

Arturo Cruz of Nicaragua is a man intuitively in sync with the message of Vaclav Havel, Adam Michnik, and George…


Syndicated Column / March 1, 1987

The Hauerwas Theses

George Weigel

Professor Stanley Hauerwas of the Duke University Divinity School is on anybody’s short list of the most provocative and thoughtful…


Syndicated Column / March 1, 1987

A Question of Witness

George Weigel

One of the most extraordinary transformations in contemporary American public life has been the radical change in the ideological orientation…


Syndicated Column / February 1, 1987

Once More, With Feeling

George Weigel

The rush to disinvestment in South Africa proceeds apace, now led by such American corporate giants as General Motors, IBM,…


Syndicated Column / February 1, 1987

Coalitions For Democracy

George Weigel

Senators Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch are not frequently found on the same side of controverted issues. This past September,…


Syndicated Column / February 1, 1987

Open Mikes

George Weigel

Washington, D.C., which gets abuzz over things large and small, was aflutter just after the November elections with another Charles…


Syndicated Column / February 1, 1987

Ike Revisited

George Weigel

  AMERICAN PURPOSE is not intended to be penitential reading. Thus, from time to time, we want to share some…


Syndicated Column / February 1, 1987

Breaking Ranks

George Weigel

It is no longer news (although it is often treated as such) when a church group urges disinvestment in South…


Syndicated Column / January 1, 1987

Orwell Lives

George Weigel

One of the surest signs of trouble in any resistance movement is when its leaders begin to fudge the definition…


Syndicated Column / January 1, 1987