Never surrender, never abandon the field of battle

Published November 22, 2022

WORLD Opinions

The whole arc of my career has observed the marriage redefinition debate go from bad to worse. Back in 2010, when I first began working at the intersection of religion, ethics, and public policy, state courts had set trajectories that would eventually bring us Obergefell, the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage.

But even back then, I knew marriage was worth defending and its cause worth joining, and I have zero regrets about any of the public stances I’ve taken. How could I regret holding to the truth? Conjugal marriage—marriage between a man and a woman—is the cornerstone of society, ordained and ordered by our good God.

Then came the announcement I’ll never forget.

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EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.

Photo by Mariano Rivas on Unsplash

EPPC Fellow Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the moral principles that support civil society and sound government. A sought-after speaker and cultural commentator, Dr. Walker’s academic research interests and areas of expertise include natural law, human dignity, family stability, social conservatism, and church-state studies. The author or editor of more than ten books, he is passionate about helping Christians understand the moral demands of the gospel and their contributions to human flourishing and the common good. His most recent book, out in May 2021 from Brazos Press, is titled Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Secular Age.

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