Immigration and Assimilation

Published May 15, 2013

EPPC Briefly


Acculturation Without Assimilation

The Boston Marathon bombers “are but extreme examples of a far wider breakdown in America’s system of assimilation,” warns EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz in National Review. “We ought not to be mulling amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants before putting that system back in order.” Read more>>

Reforming Immigration Reform

In order to make immigration reform “more responsive to our economic realities, our civic obligations, and our commitment to the rule of law,” EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin proposes five kinds of amendments to the Gang of Eight immigration bill. Among them: requiring civic education that initiates immigrants into our cultural and political traditions. Read more>>

Troubling Development in Human Cloning

Yesterday, researchers in Oregon announced that they had successfully cloned human embryos — a scientific first — and then destroyed the embryos to create stem cells. Brendan P. Foht, assistant editor of EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, explains the significance of this long-awaited breakthrough.

Now marking its tenth anniversary, EPPC’s The New Atlantis is the nation’s leading forum for serious moral reflection about advances in biotechnology. You can read its entire archive online, including last year’s comprehensive report on the ethics and politics of the stem cell debates, and can support the journal’s important work by subscribing to the print edition.

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Embracing Our Roles

In his commencement address at the College of Saint Mary Magdalen, EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel reminded graduates that, in the light of the Resurrection, the human story “is not a cosmic tragedy, but a divine comedy.” Read more>>


“Do We Want to Know?”

“Undercover glimpses into the world of late-term abortionists and the graphic images from the Gosnell trial ought to move thoughtful people to confront the reality of abortion,” reflects EPPC Fellow Mary Rice Hasson. Read more>>

The Lethal Compassion of Modern Liberalism

Liberalism purports to defend “the weak, the vulnerable, and the defenseless”—except, observes EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner, “when it comes to snipping the necks of newborn children.” Read more>>

Tribulation Compounded By Blasphemy

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel describes President Obama’s recent address to Planned Parenthood as “an appalling speech that had the sole benefit of clarifying the last-ditch commitment of the present administration to the most open-ended abortion license possible.” Read more>>

Faith and Family

In an essay for National Review, EPPC Senior Fellow Mary Eberstadt makes “a limited but real case for optimism about the twinned futures of family and faith.” Read Mrs. Eberstadt’s new book, How the West Really Lost God. Read more>>

Scrap Gehry’s Eisenhower Memorial Design

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel argues for a new, genuinely open competition to find “an Eisenhower memorial worthy of the man, and worthy of monumental Washington as it ought to be.” Read more>>

Swarthmore Spinning Out of Control

EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz reports on a disturbing situation at Swarthmore College, where fossil-fuel-divestment activists “have allied with a range of leftist groups to seize control of the college from an administration unwilling to stop them.” Read more>>

Experiments in Democracy

In his 2012 book Uncontrolled, Jim Manzi recommends that policymakers conduct more experiments and rely less on too-simple econometric models. Manzi’s approach will not give us perfect policies — but, argues Jeremy Rozansky in this review from EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, it will better fit the American cast of mind and better suit our democratic politics. Read more>>


The Islamic Paradox and the Future of the Middle East

At EPPC’s most recent Faith Angle Forum on Religion, Politics and Public Life, Reuel Marc Gerecht and Jeffrey Goldberg discussed with leading journalists the complex religious and political realities of the Middle East. Listen to audio>>Read the transcript>>


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