Ignore the Progressives’ Howling about the Supreme Court’s ‘Legitimacy’

Published July 5, 2022

The Washington Post

Progressives are howling that the Supreme Court’s conservative turn this term heralds a decline in the court’s “legitimacy.” As if.

Nothing about the court’s legitimacy has changed. The only thing that has changed is its judicial philosophy, and if progressives don’t like it, they must do what others aggrieved at the court have done throughout our history: mobilize to turn the tide in their favor.

Please continue reading at the Washington Post’s website.

Henry Olsen, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, studies and provides commentary on American politics. His work focuses on how America’s political order is being upended by populist challenges, from the left and the right. He also studies populism’s impact in other democracies in the developed world.

Image: Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Henry Olsen, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, studies and provides commentary on American politics. His work focuses on how America’s political order is being upended by populist challenges, from the left and the right. He also studies populism’s impact in other democracies in the developed world.

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