EPPC Scholars File Amicus Brief Supporting Tennessee’s Title X Funding

Published October 16, 2024


On October 16, 2024, EPPC fellows Eric Kniffin and Rachel N. Morrison filed an amicus brief in Tennessee v. HHS, in support of Tennessee’s request that the Sixth Circuit rehear the case en banc and restore Tennessee’s Title X funding.  

Title X is a federal program that provides funding for family planning services. Even though the law explicitly prohibits Title X funds from being used “in programs where abortion is a method of family planning,” HHS rescinded Tennessee’s funding because it won’t counsel and refer for abortions that are illegal under state law.

The brief, filed on behalf of EPPC, explained how the Biden-Harris administration is using federal agencies to unlawfully promote abortion and interfere with state abortion laws. The brief summarized actions that HHS and other federal agencies took post-Dobbs to advance the administration’s pro-abortion political agenda and override state pro-life laws.

The brief concluded: “The Biden-Harris administration has used federal agencies to promote abortion at the expense of federal law and state sovereign interests. This pattern of unlawful administrative actions, of which the Rescindment is but one example, illustrates the need for en banc review.” 

Eric Kniffin is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he works on a range of initiatives to protect and strengthen religious liberty as part of EPPC’s Administrative State Accountability Project.

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