EPPC Briefly: Federalism and Marriage

Published January 10, 2013



Federalism and Marriage

In National Review, EPPC President Ed Whelan advocates that the Supreme Court “set right the relationship between marriage and federalism” by ruling that both the federal Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8 are constitutionally sound. In particular, he explains how “DOMA respects and implements federalism by exercising the federal government’s authority” over the federal domain. Read more>>

Roger Scruton Joins EPPC

The Ethics and Public Policy Center is pleased to announce that the English philosopher Roger Scruton has joined EPPC as a Senior Fellow. The author of three dozen books, Mr. Scruton will focus his work at EPPC on such subjects as the need for a new urbanism that emphasizes beauty and the cultural implications of neuroscience.

“I am delighted to join the Ethics and Public Policy Center,” said Mr. Scruton. “EPPC scholars think deeply and clearly about how questions of culture and philosophy ought to inform public policy, and they have earned considerable influence both in Washington politics and in the world of ideas.”


“Evangelical Catholicism: A Reformed Church and a Culture in Crisis”—Tuesday, February 5

In his twelfth annual William E. Simon Lecture, EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel will discuss the thesis of his new book, Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church, with an eye toward addressing some of the challenges presented by our current cultural crises.

Due to limited space, this event is open to registered guests only. See here for more information.


Small Ball

In the Weekly Standard, EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin explains why “a deeper disagreement at the heart of our fiscal debate” makes a “grand bargain” very unlikely: “A grand bargain with far higher taxes in return for a thoroughly transformed entitlement system would give each party the means it is after but at the cost of the end it is after.” Read more>>

The Church and the Mandate

As the Catholic Church and the Obama administration approach the first anniversary of what has become the most serious confrontation between the Church and the federal government in U.S. history—a confrontation caused by a regulatory mandate implementing Obamacare—EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel reviews the strategic situation with an eye to the terrain ahead. Read more>>

Gadfly of the Arts

In National Review, EPPC Senior Fellow Bruce Cole reviews Camille Paglia’s Glittering Images, a “handsome, well-illustrated volume” devoted to the visual arts: Although the book is “overly polemical and idiosyncratic,” it does provide “provocative, sometimes insightful, and often original musings on art and artists.” Read more>>

The Budget Battles Ahead

Congressional Republicans should “use the occasion of a debt-limit debate to force as much serious action as possible on deficit reduction,” argues EPPC Fellow James C. Capretta, but not “resist a debt-limit increase to the point of risking substantial economic turmoil.” Read more>>

Notre Dame Punts

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel laments Notre Dame’s failure to avail itself of an “unprecedented opportunity to do some evangelical witnessing” in support of “culture-forming Catholicism.” (See also Mr. Weigel’s “Dear Notre Dame,” which responds to the university’s claim that his lament was based on a false premise.) Read more>>

Jefferson’s Robust Views of Religious Freedom

Brian Walsh, executive director of EPPC’s American Religious Freedom Program, and co-authors T.J. Whittle and Garret Bauman explain that, “notwithstanding his unorthodox views of Christianity, Thomas Jefferson staunchly adhered to the rights of all religious believers, Christian and non-Christian alike, to free religious exercise.” Read more>>

A Pope Benedict XVI Christmas

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel reviews Pope Benedict XVI’s new book, Jesus of Nazareth: the Infancy Narratives, which invites us to “consider the true meaning of freedom and the liberating power of obligation on the verge of what seem likely to be challenging years ahead.” Read more>>

What Constitutes a Nation?

“It is hard to see how radically changing the Constitution would be wise,” observes EPPC Fellow Stephen P. White, “for one should not imagine that America could be what she is without it.” Read more>>

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