April 6, 2017
On March 24, EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel was awarded the Lumen Vitae Medal by the Benedictine-sponsored University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota. The medal takes its name from the beginning of the Rule of St. Benedict and its adaptation of John 12.35: “Run while you have the light of life lest the darkness of death overtake you.”
Excerpts from the award citation follow:
George Weigel is the premier Catholic public intellectual in the United States today….The recipient of numerous awards and honorary degrees, he is best known for his penetrating analysis of the interface of faith, democracy, and culture in a rapidly changing world…Writing recently about his deceased colleague Michael Novak, Weigel described the late philosopher as “first and foremost a teacher. What gave him the greatest satisfaction was seeing others get the light of understanding in their eyes and the joy of discovery on their faces.” The same may be said of theologian and social critic George Weigel. The University of Mary is greatly blessed…to bestow upon him the University’s highest honor, the…Lumen Vitae Medal.
Click here or click below to view Mr. Weigel’s keynote address at the event: