Faith Angle Forum to Join Aspen Institute

June 13, 2024

The Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Aspen Institute are pleased to announce that, effective Monday, June 17, 2024, EPPC’s Faith Angle Forum will become part of the Aspen Institute.

Founded 25 years ago by the late Michael Cromartie (1950–2017), Faith Angle Forum works to strengthen reporting and commentary on religion, religious believers, and their effect on politics and public life.

Both Faith Angle’s director, Josh Good, and program manager, Nicole Noyes, will join the Aspen Institute staff, with Good also becoming director of Aspen’s Religion & Society Program

“Michael Cromartie was a hero of mine,” said Ryan T. Anderson, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center:

Mike recognized the weaknesses in the media’s coverage of religion, and rather than just complain, he set out to improve it. For 25 years, Faith Angle has brought together some of our nation’s—and the world’s—leading journalists, scholars, and practitioners for rich conversations. Under Josh Good’s leadership, Faith Angle more than doubled in budget and in programming, adding a European gathering and a special forum for young journalists. Faith Angle is needed today more than ever, and I’m very happy for Josh and Nicole that Aspen will provide them with a larger foundation for their ongoing work. While I will miss working with them at EPPC, I wish them the best as they help journalists tell a better, because more accurate, story.

Elliot Gerson, executive vice president at the Aspen Institute, added:

Religion is unquestionably a major force in American society—one that drives how we view, engage, and experience the world. And of course, while religion can be a force for good, it is also sometimes the source of much tension. In recent years, many of us have become increasingly familiar with conversations around race and gender identities, how they shape us and allow us to move through society. By talking about our relationships to religion—or lack thereof—and by being curious about what animates ourselves and others, we can far better understand and care for one another. Faith Angle’s work inspires curiosity and understanding, which are essential for fostering a more just, equitable society.

Good added:

For six years we’ve been so fortunate to support, serve, and grow a remarkable network of journalists that Mike Cromartie first fostered. If today’s columnists are like the prophets of olden times, it’s important that they accurately see how religion is in the room. I’m deeply grateful to EPPC’s leadership for its generosity in inviting me aboard and now in allowing Faith Angle to continue building from a new desk.

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