EPPC Fellow David Gortler Testifies Before US Senate

December 12, 2022

On December 7, 2022, EPPC Fellow David Gortler testified before the US Senate as part of Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtable, “COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries.” Dr. Gortler spoke to his experience in the FDA in relation to vaccine formulation and policy in order to shed light on the reaction of the public health establishment to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch a highlight of David’s testimony below, and see the entire roundtable on Rumble.


David Gortler, Pharm.D. FCCP is a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center whose work focuses on objective, scientific/technical, non-partisan, unprejudiced oversight and accountability of HHS with an emphasis on U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversight.

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