EPPC Briefly: Yuval Levin on the Economic Mobility Crisis

March 5, 2015


March 5, 2015 FOLLOW EPPC ON

EPPC Briefly


The Mobility Crisis
In a cover story for Commentary magazine, EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin highlights the new focus by both major parties on economic mobility: “Serious attention to the state of economic mobility could help us overcome the peculiar mix of acrimony and nostalgia that has enveloped our politics since this century began and could help us see far more clearly some of the most pressing challenges our country now confronts.”

But, he cautions, “To get beyond talk, the two parties will need to treat the challenge of mobility not just as a means to their familiar ends but as the best lens through which to understand the role of economic policy in America more generally.”

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Be Prepared

EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta and EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin make the case that, if the U.S. Supreme Court rules against the Obamacare federal-exchange subsidies, “Republicans should advance legislation that effectively allows states to opt out of Obamacare’s entire regulatory and subsidy structure and into a far simpler and more flexible system.”

Let’s Embrace Competition in Advance-Placement Testing
In a Washington Post op-ed, EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz explains that in the battle over the College Board’s AP U.S. History standards, “the real issue is whether the curriculum will teach a dogmatic progressivism or introduce students to a variety of opinions about the individuals, ideas and institutions that shaped American history.” (See also the prepared text of Mr. Kurtz’s recent testimony before a Georgia state legislative committee on this issue.)

Government is Not the Enemy
In the New York Times, EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner argues that conservatives must better articulate a conservative vision for how to govern, “since many presidential voters will be reluctant to give their trust to leaders who have nothing but contempt for the government they wish to run.”

Unhappy Anniversary
A quarter-century after the fall of the Berlin Wall, EPPC Senior Fellow George Weigel laments that “the kind of nonviolent revolution in favor of a democratic future that would have been celebrated and defended in 1989 has been betrayed, in slow motion, even as the Ukrainian revolution’s leaders have continued to plead for Western help.”

Some Uncomfortable Questions for Democratic Candidates
EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen suggests a list of questions to counteract “the sickening double standard that the press applies to Democrats and Republicans.”

Hillary Clinton’s Poor Judgment
The recent email scandal shows that Hillary Clinton’s “apparently heedless and self-destructive secrecy is part of a broader failure of judgment rooted in character flaws that have not disappeared,” writes EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz.

No Fighting God
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel reflects on the mystery of suffering and recalls that Lent “is an annual reminder that God is God and we aren’t.”

Correlation, Causation, and Confusion
“Correlation,” as the saying goes, “does not imply causation.” But if you want to understand the statistics that appear everywhere in our daily lives, it helps to know just what correlation does imply. In this essay from EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, Nick Barrowman explains why causation matters, even in the age of “big data.”

The New Intolerance
In an essay adapted from her recent First Things lecture, EPPC Senior Fellow Mary Eberstadt explores “the slow-motion marginalizing and penalizing of believers on the very doorsteps of the churches of North America, Europe, and elsewhere, in societies that are the very historical strongholds of political and religious liberty.”

World Christianity by the Numbers
EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel considers a new survey on the state of Christianity around the globe and finds “some good news about the global human condition that ought to be kept in mind when remembering the bad news of the twentieth century and the early twenty-first.”


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