EPPC Briefly: Immigration ‘Reform’ and Obama’s Will to Power

November 25, 2014


November 25, 2014 FOLLOW EPPC ON

EPPC Briefly


Obama’s Will to Power

The unilateral action on immigration announced by President Obama last week demonstrates that “the Left is adding presidential fiat to the category of powers it will cheerfully accept if it produces outcomes they favor,” argues EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen.

How Our Democracy Works

EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin explains that President Obama’s executive actions on immigration are especially illegitimate when “we approach the Constitution as not simply an abstract and technical legal document but a whole political order in the real world,” “a structure for the political life of an actual society.”

I Dare You to Impeach Me

The immigration action heralds what EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz calls “a new era of post-constitutional governance” in which “abuse of executive discretion is the only way out for America’s newly emboldened and ambitious left.”

Conservatism Is Gratitude

“To my mind, conservatism is gratitude. Conservatives tend to begin from gratitude for what is good and what works in our society and then strive to build on it.” — Yuval Levin, in remarks accepting the Bradley Prize in 2013

There is no better time than Thanksgiving to reflect on the many blessings that Americans continue to enjoy, not least of all the founding principles that EPPC and its scholars have consistently sought to defend and promote — respect for the inherent dignity of the human person, individual freedom and responsibility, justice, the rule of law, and limited government.

During this season of giving thanks, please consider supporting the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s continuing efforts to apply the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy.


First Things Lecture: The New Intolerance

EPPC Senior Fellow Mary Eberstadt delivered a lectured sponsored by First Things titled “The New Intolerance.” Click here for more information and to access a video of Mrs. Eberstadt’s lecture.


New Audio from the Faith Angle Forum

Audio recordings of the presentations and discussions at the most recent Faith Angle Forum are now available. Session titles at the 25th edition of the Faith Angle Forum were “Religious Conflict and the Future of the Middle East,” “Why Social Scientists (and Some Journalists) Don’t Get Religion,” and “Christianity and Science: Current Disputes among the Faithful.”


Vatican II and the Berlin Wall

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel recounts how the Second Vatican Council contributed to the fall of communism in Europe, a story that “illustrates the way in which salvation history, working inside what the world sees as ‘history,’ can bend history in a more humane direction.”


Lessons from the 1995 Strategy

EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta and co-author Lanhee J. Chen explain that, in the new Congress, Republicans “must chart a sensible course for the next two years—one that demonstrates they can be trusted as America’s governing party and sets the table for 2016.”

Best Shot for GOP in 2016? Look to the Governors

In a New York Post op-ed, EPPC Senior Fellow Henry Olsen touts the model employed by winning Republican incumbent governors in swing states: “positive governance, [with] generally but not dogmatically free-market fiscal policies, … seems to meet the public mood more than the liberal or conservative models Washington has on tap.”


Modernizing the CBO

The Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation “often act as major bottlenecks in the process of policy development,” laments EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin, and “it is well past time for a more dramatic change in the way Congress’s scorekeepers do business.”


What Will the GOP’s Senate Takeover Mean for Judicial Nominations?

In the National Law Journal, EPPC President Ed Whelan draws lessons from how Senate Democrats exerted influence over President George W. Bush’s judicial nominations when they controlled the Senate during Bush’s last two years.

A Feeling For Pain

Modern medicine has mastered the elimination of pain to an impressive degree. But, as practicing anesthesiologist Ronald W. Dworkin writes in EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, when science tries to explain pain, it often muddles what we know from experience.

Just Don’t Call It Islamic

President Obama’s response to yet another ISIS atrocity “reflects his continuing belief that by denying Islamic extremism, he can promote peace,” warns EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen.


How the ‘Reserve’ Dollar Harms America

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, EPPC Lehrman Institute Fellow in Economics John Mueller and co-author Lewis E. Lehrman argue that ending the dollar’s official role as the world’s reserve currency would “limit deficit financing, increase net national savings and release resources to U.S. companies and their employees in order to remain competitive with the rest of the world.”


Ukrainian Lessons for the West

In the Maidan “revolution of dignity” in Ukraine, EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel discerns “five lessons the West badly needs to relearn about its own civic and political project, and the relationship of religious conviction and moral truth to that project.”


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