EPPC Briefly: George Weigel on Charlie Hebdo, Jihadism, and the Future of Europe

January 26, 2015


January 22, 2015 FOLLOW EPPC ON


Europe and Nothingness

“You can’t beat something with nothingness,” warns EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel as he reflects on the horrific jihadist attack on Charlie Hebdo. “Freedom, justice, and human solidarity cannot be grounded in nihilism.”

A War of Ideas

EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen argues that, as the Left refuses to grapple with the meaning of Islamist ideology, “Islamists have once again reminded us that freedom itself is their target.”

On the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Unborn children are hidden from our view and totally dependent on us. Yet the debate over abortion usually treats the human community as made up only of free subjects that can enter into mutual dialogue or contractual relations. Writing in EPPC’s journal The New Atlantis, Gilbert Meilaender reviews a new book that critiques that approach.

On this anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, here’s a sampling of previous EPPC work in defense of the unborn:

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel offered ten reasons why the pro-life movement should be hopeful that “it may, in time, carry the day.”

EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen outlined the left’s “macabre rationalizations” of late-term abortions.

In Senate testimony, EPPC President Ed Whelan explained why all Americans, no matter what their views on abortion, should support the overturning of Roe.

And in The New Atlantis, Robert P. George, a member of EPPC’s Board of Directors, explored the marvelous growth that takes place in the earliest days of human development in the womb.

Please support the work of EPPC’s scholars in applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy, including defense of the unborn.


Conservatives in Name Only

In the New York Times, EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner exhorts Republicans to “make their case with an urgency balanced by practical wisdom, equanimity and a sense of proportion. Their passion should also be balanced by gratitude.” (See also Mr. Wehner’s piece urging the GOP to “articulate how a conservative vision of government could speak to today’s public, and especially middle class, concerns.”)


Review: ‘Cowardice: A Brief History’
In a New York Times book review, EPPC Resident Scholar James Bowman wryly observes that “ours could be the first time and place in which cowardice has been thought a subject worthy of academic study.”

Rand Paul Is Wrong: Judicial Restraint Is Right

EPPC President Ed Whelan takes issue with Senator Rand Paul’s case for “judicial activism.”


The President’s Post-Obama Agenda
President Obama’s State of the Union address was “thoroughly and consciously disconnected from the political moment,” writes EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin.


The Battle for U.S. History
For conservatives who object to the “leftist, anti-American propaganda that has infiltrated school curricula around the nation,” the College Board’s proposed new AP U.S. History standards should be the immediate “battlefield,” observes EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen.

To See Things As They Are

In its public life, the Christian church “puts everything into proper perspective through its witness to the truth about the human person, human community, human origins, and human destiny,” explains EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel in First Things.



George Weigel’s 14th Annual William E. Simon Lecture

John Paul II was not canonized for his accomplishments but for his sanctity. Yet he was the most politically consequential pope in decades, and it is a very obscure part of the world that does not display the footprints of the shoes of this fisherman. In his 14th Annual William E. Simon Lecture, EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel will analyze seven lessons that John Paul’s “worldly” accomplishments teach twenty-first century statesmen, and suggests a few things the first Polish pope has to teach the rest of us.

This lecture is open to registered guests only. For more information, or to inquire about registration, please click here.

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