EPPC Briefly: The Church of the Left

April 16, 2015



April 16, 2015 FOLLOW EPPC ON


The Church of the Left

EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin warns that the “fanaticism that has characterized much of the Left’s response to Indiana’s law” on religious liberty reveals that the real threat to religious liberty is that progressivism is becoming “our state religion.”

Democrat Divinity Schools

EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz sees a similar phenomenon on campuses, where “universities are inculcating the eco-religion of ‘sustainability’ as a roundabout way of turning their students into political partisans.”

Why Evangelicals Should Love the Pope

In the New York Times, EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner explores two contrasting models of engagement by Christians in public life and praises Pope Francis for finding a “way to engage the culture that is both faithful and effective.”

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Easter and the Cosmic Christ

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel reflects on the magnitude of the Resurrection of Christ, “a divine action in history and nature that changed history and nature in a radical way, opening new possibilities of life beyond the reach of death.”

Elite Convergence

In a review of a new book on economic inequality, EPPC Senior Fellow Henry Olsen observes that “elites on both the right and the left have more in common with each other than with their nominal political allies, and it is their tacit alliance that is creating an economic system that threatens to unmoor America from its heritage.” (See also Mr. Olsen’s analysis of discontent among working-class voters in the U.S., Australia, and other nations, a trend that is “fracturing and reordering politics in virtually every country.”)

The Good of Corporations

EPPC Senior Fellow Roger Scruton explores the origins and implications of the concept of “corporate personality,” and explains why protections for corporations are an essential part of the Anglo-American legal tradition.

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign and the Coming Culture Wars

EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner warns GOP candidates hoping to challenge Hillary Clinton that they had better prepare “to defend moral truths, traditions, and basic rights (like religious liberty) in a way that is perceived by voters as principled and gracious rather than aggressive and judgmental.” (See also EPPC Senior Fellow Stanley Kurtz on why Mrs. Clinton’s support of Common Core further shows that “she’s still in love with the unwieldy, centralized, big-government schemes she pushed back in the 1990s.”)

The Advantages of Being Disadvantaged

Because victim status is the only prism through which progressives see American life, explains EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen, “the Left decides who is a sympathetic victim, and in every case the opposition must be not just defeated but also crushed, silenced, and exorcized.”

The Left’s Middle-Class Problem

EPPC Hertog Fellow Yuval Levin and co-author Ramesh Ponnuru take a close look at several key policy areas where “conservatives have an opportunity to offer solutions to the problems facing Americans, especially those in the middle class, that are not constrained by liberal shibboleths and are driven instead by a commitment to limited government and market economics.”

The Fix to the ‘Doc Fix’ Is No Fix at All

EPPC Senior Fellow James C. Capretta explains why the Medicare-physician-payment bill now under consideration by the Senate is “misguided legislation that will do far more harm than good.”

Probing the Heart of French Malaise

Writing in the New York Times, EPPC Fellow Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry assesses two new books by controversial French authors that warn of the “creeping Islamization of France” and “point to real wounds in the French soul, wounds that often go unmentioned.”

It’s Time for the GOP to Revisit the Housing Crisis

EPPC Senior Fellow Mona Charen urges Republicans to challenge the received wisdom on the causes of the 2008 financial crisis and to explain why the Dodd- Frank legislation is a “serious mistake … that ignored government’s role in the crisis completely.”

Take Them at Their Word

EPPC Senior Fellow Peter Wehner warns that, in negotiating with the Iranian regime over its nuclear weapons program, it is “beyond reckless to assume, as the president does, that Iran’s rulers don’t mean what they say.” (See also EPPC Fellow Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry’s list of five reasons to distrust the Iran deal.)

Newman and Vatican II

EPPC Distinguished Senior Fellow George Weigel explains what the life and work of John Henry Newman reveal “about the proper way to ‘read’ Vatican II, as we anticipate the fiftieth anniversary of its conclusion on December 8.”

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